Redesing shelf, give it a more modern look.
The wood look is getting a little boring and pale. Would like to see new look to go with this amazing, one of a kind app.

John Barry Lowe commented
Using Version 4 and it feels faster overall. The shelf does not so much seem to be redesigned as eliminated. It's now looks like more of a desktop.The new icons are twice as big and so it is hard to see them all one one screen without scrolling. The ability to adjust the icon size would be useful or just make them smaller again. The option to sort either by date or name is useful but this has removed the option to sort manually which was a nice feature of the old shelf. I miss this a lot. Between the large icons and the automatic sorting I am struggling to find all the documents related to each project I sorted by folder. As I cannot change the dates I now have to be sure that the files are names in such a way so that they appear in the order or grouped the way I want them, which is a lot of trouble. The different sets of shelves used to be called folders. Now they are called categories, a suitably abstract name, but in computer terms the word folder is probably still more useful. The new category structure allows for sub categories hence probably the bigger icons because you are now able to nest documents inside sub categories / folders but personally I find one layer of "containers' enough and fear that two layers will create too many buried documents though as ever it is nice to have the choice and for people with a lot of static reference material that might be useful . My material is live and ever changing. In short good upgrade but make icons scalable, maybe change categories back to folders but most importantly please make sorting of documents manually an option and not force date or name sorting on us.
Anonymous commented
Perhaps a compromise would be to add a list view
Shaun commented
Agreed, doesn't sit well with ios7 a choice would be good though
Anonymous commented
I like the bookshelves. The new iBooks upgrade got rid of the bookshelves and I hated it. I intentionally removed the upgrade and retored an old one to get my bookshelves back.
If you want to make other formats available that is fine, as long as one of them is still the classic bookshelves. -
Anonymous commented
Agree, it would also be nice to rearrage the note books on whatever shelf and place on the shelf I would like it to be.
Love the App!
Charles commented
Would like choices of bookshelves
Mark Kemperman commented
Whilst it is purely cosmetic, I'd like to see this—the shelf is a hokey motif and this app is so freaking good that a clean modern look is deserved (Notability has done this nicely).