Need for more, better document editing tools
I think many people here agree the app does most of what you’d expect from it, but not everything.
In my opinion, one of the biggest drawbacks is the lack of precise, accurate document editing tools… im saying, for example:
- Rotation and resizing; lemme expand. First of all, make them separate. i dont want to change the size of something accidentally when resizing it, or vice versa. moreover, the option to do so its very tedious to reach, everytime, as it means lassoing everything, holding, clicking resize. its not practical, and the option to not change line thickness but only proportions is missing, which would be so useful.
- Grid snapping, better object snapping, more advanced curve tool (add grab points). Its really hard now to make, for example, very precise graphs, as theres no aid in precision, as of being true to scale, when drawing your lines while making sure the right dimensions are used for the user’s needs. I’m personally a STEM high schooler, so this makes me think of graphs, functions, geometrical drawings, which are all really hard to get just right.
- Some kind of community shared object library, pre drawn object people can just download, customize, adapt/edit and use right away, with easy, practicality. Its mandatory for the editor to be REALLY flexible, as otherwise the whole purpose its defeaten. Think of it as sort of a revamped sticker system, in which instead of images, drawings are imported.