Goodnotes Recaller to remember notes
Building flashcards manually in Goodnotes is great but I feel it a bit hectic. There may be an extra tool which can be used to mark sections of a page or whole pages to add them to the Recalling /Memorizing list. This should auto include all the items that we mark with the Recaller tool. One should be able to see all the hard-to-learn stuff at ones from each notebook/folder. In addition, a home screen widget may be created which would periodically display a section of the note for a quick revision which would be scientifically designed like Anki.
Agnik Baidya commented
This is very necessary while studying Law, Medicine etc where you have to remember lots of stuff.
Agnik Baidya commented
Anki is a software platform which allows you to add parts of info that you wish to remember and displays it periodically maybe in a flashcard format. The info you remember less is displayed more frequently compared to ones that you remember better.