8792 results found
Insert New Pens/Markers
Allow users to insert new brushes similar to the procreate app. That way we can completely customize our notebooks with calligraphy and other word art.
6,329 votes -
Love my goodnotes but I do check out the competition and Agenda has a neat feature. You can tap a icon and it will insert the date or tim
Just like all the other tools, add one for date or time. Like agenda does. I am enclosing a screenshot. Thanks
5,307 votes -
One of the major issues in relation to using a digital file, compared to a traditional paper file is that in a paper file you can attach "post-its" to relevant pages which you can then refer to when you are using that file. This is an essential tool for lawyers, for example. So that, if you are referring to a bundle of files, you can have them in front of you where you can see the protruding tabs and refer to them immediately. The visualisation of the tabs – allows for easy access to the relevant page.
Whilst good notes…
4,735 votes -
Mind Maps
It would be great if mind maps were integrated into the features set for your app! Something sort of like MindNode. I like how easy it is to use their app for those things, but I use Goodnotes for everything else
4,528 votes -
3,520 votes
I would really appreciate it if you could make it possible to add tables to good notes. It would be very helpful, i don’t want to draw it all the time.
Thank you for your attention :)3,297 votes -
Infinite Canvas
The biggest pro of digital note taking is the boundaries of traditional one and paper that it breaks.
Studies have shown that learning efficiency and understanding of a subject is increased by higher order learning and mind mapping. For these techniques, an infinite canvas is needed.It would be highly appreciated if this function would be added.
Thank you.
3,207 votes -
Add tagging of documents and locations within documents
It would be a great deal, if it would be possible to tag all documents and (possibly) each position within each note with one or more tags. There should be a tag list for each shelf of notes, such that I can have different sets of tags for each shelf. It should then be possible to open the tag list for a shelf, click on a tag, and get a list of all usages of this tag with all documents and all locations within documents. Clicking on a usage should open the document (in case it is the tag of…
3,023 votes -
Todo management
I take a ton of notes and produce a lot of todos from meetings, etc.
OneNote had this feature 15 years ago whereby you would add a todo box next to the line of a handwritten note. It then had a todo notebook that would pull all of the todo boxes from all notebooks. I'm dying to have this feature. I've searched and searched and can't find the feature anywhere! Please please add this!!
2,692 votes -
Allow users to put comments on different layers. It would be helpful if these could be turned on/ off, or have their transparency % adjusted like in the Photoshop Touch application. Selecting annotations on one layer only or locking others would be useful as well.
2,087 votes -
Paint Bucket Color Fill
Similar to MS paint it would be useful to have a paint bucket tool that would fill a color inside the lines of a shape. Most of the functionality is already added with the shape fill color option, but for drawings that dont use it there is no efficient way to fill the space.
1,836 votes -
Re add manual sorting of documents in goodnotes 4.0
Goodnotes 3 one could manually sort the notes, please add the function again as name and date is not enough, at university I sometimes upload allot of docs at a time and need to re order them!!
1,731 votes -
"Favorites pens" as tools
Im using green thin and navy thick pen.
and need to change very quickly.
but everytime I have to select color and pen size.
that would be awesome configurable favorite pens on top of bar for one click select the pensize+color1,712 votes -
Show GoodNotes Documents in a folder in the new iOS 11 Files App
Please show the GoodNotes documents in a folder in the Internal section of the new iOS 11 Files app next to the folders of Pages, Keynote and Numbers.
1,403 votes -
Native Samsung S Pen Eraser support
Other Android apps allow use of the physical eraser button of the stylus, but this does not work so far with S-Pen on Galaxy Tab. Selection eraser from the software menu is not very convenient and subpar to other notes apps.
1,373 votes -
Use TouchID to Secure App
I would like to use TouchID to both open the app (a la Dropbox) and/or individual notebook TouchID verification.
1,238 votes -
985 votes
Sub-Outline in Outlines
When I import some PDFs their outlines are imported too. I love this feature. I have noticed that when this happens, the outlines have sub-outlines to make navigating the outlines easier.
However, I can not create this in my own GoodNotes outlines. It only works when I import a PDF that already has this structure built into it.
I would like to have a feature in GoodNotes where I can create sub-outlines in my notebooks.
971 votes -
would love to see more mathematics tools such as a ruler, a pencil compass, a real life scale on the paper, and maybe even a calculator within the app. Maybe a calculator you can move on the screen or click it with your finger to summarize an easy equation? I bought an iPad intending to only use your app for all of my notes when I go into college now, but unfortunately I do not see myself using this app for mathematics just yet. Pie charts, gifs and videos in the notes would also be very helpful. (I could for…
953 votes -
Full screen mode
The GUI has a lot of "lost space" - especially in landscape mode. Would be great to have the full screen for a sheet of paper with a rearrangeable toolbar. Would be extremely helpful for iPads with 9.7 or the upcoming 10.5".
914 votes
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