a mac version!!
i love the app but a mac version would allow me to use my macbook pro when needed and my iPad when more appropriate. please develop!

Mac version is now available: http://blog.goodnotesapp.com/post/129228210477/goodnotes-for-mac
Anonymous commented
Is the mac version still working? can't find on the mac app store
Anonymous commented
I find that adding and moving pictures is easier in the MAC version and I therefore find myself switching back and forth between the MAC and the iOS versions, which pretty much is fine for me.
But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow categories to be collapsed at startup of the MAC version.
Olli commented
We need an Mac Version Too. It must sync all Data automatically with iPad and iPhone...Will pay 20-30$ if it works.
Dallin commented
So are we going to get a release date soon? I am about ready to just switch over to notablity
Anonymous commented
Glad this is started, this is the only app I use that DOESN't have a Mac version, and it's the limiting factor when trying to use it for school.
Henry Gobel commented
I want to stay with GoodNotes, but absolutely need to be able to get at my documents from my 2012 MacBook Air 13". Other iOS apps that use iCloud to sync documents like Scanbot, etc. have an iCloud folder that is visible on my MacBook through Finder. Why not GoodNotes?
Luca Marconato commented
For the developer: there are a lot of applications for OS X that supports handwriting in pdfs and taking note, but with the RETINA IMAC 5K @ 3200x1800 (ie the "more space option") the ONLY app that I have found that WRITE WITHOUT LAG and offers the possibility to use a small pen size is NOTABILITY. Only that application among about 20 different apps that I have tried. For instance, since I own a Intuos Pro 4, I tried the Bamboo Paper, the app given by Wacom and even that apps is very slow at writing. Adobe Acrobat Pro is bad too! So please pay attention to PERFORMANCE for that kind of Mac.
I lolk forward to use the app. Faithfully, Luca. -
Aguilera commented
Yes, a Mac versión ASAP please!!
I would LOVE to not just be able to look at my notes, but to also view, edit and sync the highlighting of text inside PDF files!Also, if you could include something like "PDF highlighting parsing" from those files that were highlighted using Preview on OS X, it would be awesome! It is a shame that I cannot read (and highlight) a text comfortably in my Mac and then just upload it to continue the highlitning on the road using Good Notes!.
Thank you for your time while reading this, keep the good work guys/girls!
Anonymous commented
a mac version would be awesome, would pay 20 bucks for it!!
Cassie commented
Is there an estimate of when this will be available?
Lupo commented
yes!!!!I need also a mac version!!
Mauro commented
I need a mac version. it's important because i'll can use only goodnotes without other apps. but now i am limited.
Hiroaki Fujita commented
Please develop just a viewer at least.
rohu commented
when will it be ready?
Sara Rognstad commented
I am absolutely desperate for a Mac version, it would change my life!
Rami Nassrallah commented
yes i hope
Jill Howlin commented
Looking forward to this!
hongbin chen commented
I'm really willing to pay for the mac version!!!
Marco Valentini commented
At least a mac/pc file reader will be good for read notes without ipad (I know I can backup in pdf format)
Anonymous commented
Will I have to pay for the mac version as well?
Also when will it be released?