Ability to do bullet points when typing notes
when typing notes, ability to do organized bullets/numbering would be great.

jazzybeyyz commented
I agree with other posters, without bullet points and lists when typing text
https://waplus.win/es/ -
sumo dont commented
I can see this has been an issue for years! I have switched from Notability, but this, along with the highlighter being on top of the text, maybe what make me go back.
https://krnl.fun/ -
Dan commented
This feature is not "complete" it is very buggy on Mac OSX. Bullets sometimes do not appear, have to delete the paragraph adn start over. Very frustrating that there is now an extra LARGE cost to use features that never were even fully developed. I would gladly contribute a smaller amount to see features I need developed, rather than lots of features I don't need (AI, math and autocorrect) ... App is trying to be everything to everyone, and leaving behind core supporters. Needs some direction and discipline.
Also, handwriting is now extremely slow, many users posting videos of this lagging handwriting on reddit
LAG commented
Since automatic numbering have ben introduced, when copy - paste, the original format is not kept anymore. I am losing a lot to change back the format and original numbering when pasting from a book.
samuel kim commented
Im straight up gonna start using one note instead if they dont add this.
The Rowdy Ladybug commented
I find a built-in bulleted list format essential for efficient work. While I can hit a tab or space and insert a bullet character (or even just a hyphen), I miss several features of built in lists.
A built in list format ideally would let me select a section that should be a sub-list, hit "tab" and indent that entire section. Then when I hit the end of that list, I should be able to hit "shift-tab" and return to the main list. It's annoying to type out a section of a list and realize it should be a sub-list... and then have to hit an extra tab for each individual line to indent it.
Sometimes humans type out information first, and THEN realize it should be indented or formatted differently. Built-in list formats allow that. Emulating it manually (with tabs or spaces) is far less efficient. -
Tommy commented
Is this going to happen or what?
Simone Brignola commented
Per me è fondamentale. Io studio tramite riassunti e i punti elenco sono fondamentali.
Chase commented
I initially chose Notability over GoodNotes for this reason (GoodNotes' lack of good typing formats, like bulleted or numbered lists). However, I had syncing issues with Notability and lost a lot of my notes, so I no longer trust them and have moved back to GoodNotes. Please add this function!
Magicalflyingcow commented
You got to add this. I suppose you can painstakingly draw in bullet points and make individual text boxes for points, but that takes FOREVER. Please implement bullet points!
Bud James commented
I agree with other posters, without bullet points and lists when typing text, GoodNotes takes a backseat to Notability.
Dez Torres commented
This is the reason that I use notability. If GoodNotes offered bullet points I would be using that. I type all of my notes on my iPad and the formatting is such an issue with goodnotes. I don’t see why it has taken so long for this to become an option.
Sonali Kumar commented
7 years ago!!!!? That’s insane.
Dodie Sa commented
I can see this has been an issue for years! I have switched from Notability, but this, along with the highlighter being on top of the text, maybe what make me go back. I also LOVE the favourite pen tools in Notability being so accessible. I had high hopes for Goodnotes 5, but am surprised it's not living up.
Michael Kennedy commented
Agree completely with the necessity of bullet feature. I just switched from Notability to Good Notes. But may go back.
David Peacock commented
May switch if this isn't added soon! Sorry one note does it
CodeSwift commented
How has this still not been added yet :(
Jingyi Ma commented
Let me see, this was posted 7 years ago…. :(
Jingyi Ma commented
Yes Please! I have to type a ‘-‘ or * manually each time and the alignment is just painful, not even mentioning sublists…
Merce commented
Basic basic!!