Ability to do bullet points when typing notes
when typing notes, ability to do organized bullets/numbering would be great.
Db commented
This should be a basic function with the text boxes
Lee Patterson commented
This has been a request since 2016? Seriously?
Carly Groshon commented
I completely agree. Bullet points would be incredibly helpful. Love the app, but please ad! :)
Anonymous commented
For such a great note-taking app, how is there no ability to make bullet points?? That’s a fundamental of note-taking. And it should be easy enough to add in.
Paco Lobo commented
I am tired of drawing little black circles for bullets. Please design three different types of bullets and check marks to choose from when creating a text box. It’s the minimum.
Tim-Noel Houghton commented
How is it we still don’t have bullets and check boxes in Goodnotes? I’m about to switch to Notability for this feature—it’s that important!!
Anonymous commented
I totally agree
Anonymous commented
Bullets and list features are a must! I regularly use Goodnotes for writing notes and annotating PDFs, and there are many features that I love, but the text function just seems like you forgot to work on it. It’s so far below other comparable apps that I might have to switch if this isn’t addressed in future versions.
Anonymous commented
add bullets!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Get the list feature sorted team.
Charisma Riley commented
Even using handwritten markup to list recognition would be fine with me, but yes, this would be great!
Arnold commented
A better text editor that lets you save a couple of presets. Bulletpoints would be great as well since i do a lot of typing in Good Notes.
Arnold commented
A better text editor that lets you save a couple of presets. Bulletpoints would be great as well since i do a lot of typing in Good Notes.
Max commented
This is ridiculous. How are there not bullets in good notes 5??? Or at the very least the option to create the most basic of list using a dash followed by some text and the return key? Even apple’s native notes app has this.
Anonymous commented
Anyone using an apple device can hold option and 8 and it will give you a bullet point. However, it would be great to just have it as an integrated function
Elizabeth Kihm commented
Please, please, please!!!!!!
Andrew commented
Yes needs bullet points, numbers, indentation
CC commented
Completely agree. How can you not have the ability to use bullets?!?!?!
Vashti P. commented
This would be the best Note taking app ever but it's missing the main thing about note taking which is bullet points.
Liat Khitman commented
Yeah I second that as well... all kinds of lists would be a life saver