Enable to create links between pages
As the contents in the notebook keeps increasing over a period of time, I would like to have a link or connector to a previous page or a different book within the app to quickly navigate to the desired content instead if flipping through the pages.
Brandon Figueredo commented
This absolutely needs to be added. It is a fantastic idea and would make Goodnotes a much more effective learning tool.
Anonymous commented
This would be huge and be able to truly be a digital bullet journal!! this would be a great addition and add an entirely new customer base!
Anonymous commented
Just got this today so I could use it for my teacher planner. Can't link my lesson plans or my classroom documents. So disappointed. Wasted $13 on the app and $34 on an awesome planner template...only to find out it is basically useless now I can't link in other documents...or even to other pages. Such a basic function to not have. Will probably have to go back to using OneNote.
no? commented
waste of money on this application without this feature. I had to call my credit card company to block the transaction to get my money back.
Rachel Lowisz commented
Come on guys, we need this!! Please? Pretty please?
Richard Irvin commented
I appreciate the topics on this site, it's quite informative.
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Anonymous commented
This is a basic function. And disappointing after spending $13 on app
Anonymous commented
It's been two years! Come on!
Julio Barranco commented
It is needed. Would be great to create links to other pages in the same document, as well as hyperlinks to other sites or apps.
Ame Draig commented
I can't believe this still hasn't been implemented. It's really a very essential and basic function needed for electronic documents, especially large ones. I love the format of GoodNotes and all the wonderful things it does, but this is a huge gaping hole in what could be a stellar app.
Fish commented
I’m MEGA disappointed that I spent three days setting up my whole calendar and class notes only to realize after all that hard work that I would not be able to add links to other pages. That seems like a pretty straightforward, common, and wildly essential feature that it didn’t even occur to me I wouldn’t be able to do it. I hate that I downloaded this trying to move from OneNote. I feel like a fool and I’ve wasted so much valuable time.
Roman Gaufman commented
This is not possible? - Oh no, I can't use this app then :(
Archy de Berker commented
Would love to be able to link to my goodnotes notes from other apps e.g. Notion, Roam!
Mervin Jenkins commented
the related notes are essential, it helps users can follow the contents they want https://geometrydash-free.com/
Matthieu Bourgue commented
This is a must have indeed. Could be combined with a better handling of hypertext links ?
Anonymous commented
Enable to create links to other goodnotes documents/pages would be very helpful!!
Mick commented
Very frst day using Good Notes, already missing this feature
Anonymous commented
I just started using the app and have been looking for such a feature already
Marcus Villaboim commented
I learn German. I always have a classbook open & notebook. it would be great to click on a link in the classbook and jump to my notebook’s page, where I wrote teacher’s explanations, exemples, etc. Then I could click on the link in the notebook and come back to the classbook where I left and go on.
Abhisek Dash commented
I just purchased an iPad to help with my studies. I've just started using Goodnotes 3 days ago. I'm already looking for this feature. It can help quickly look something up from another page of the same document or another document entirely. Dear Goodnotes team, please make this happen soon.