9107 results found
Show textbox creation under typing as well
Would be convenient to show the textbox tool under the new dedicated typing mode as well
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Possibility to change the colour of the intestations of the opened pages
To better facilitate organization of various documents that may need to be simultaneously accessible, assigning opened documents' tabs a provisional color designation would prove useful (with an option to set said color designation as definitive for future instances).
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Toggle on or off scrible option
In the goodnotes 6 there is the scribble option, but when I am writing in attached lettres it confuses my writing for delete. It is really frustrating and i would like to turn it off, but not in my ipad settings, as it is useful in other apps. Also when i make a little drawing, it confuses it for delete as well sometimes.
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Flashcard problem on IPhone
In some Flashcards, I cannot see all the answer on my iPhone. It is possible on my iPad.
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Visual tracking / Slides tracking when replaying audio recordings
There is already a feature of tracking handwritings when replaying the audio recordings. But it is more useful to know which slides/pages you are looking at when the audio is recorded, especially for med school.
That way, there is no need to write each intricate details that your lecturer has said. If you’re reviewing, and you found a page that is pretty confusing, you just need to replay the recording of that page. Right now, you still need to listen back minutes of recordings just to search for a short second long clip. It is pretty time consuming.
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2 votes
Share pen color and highlighter color with additional means of backup
It would be great if we could add a means to share or back up the slots themselves stored as pen color codes or type pen color codes. If you back up your iPad with iTunes, you can save the color code, but I think it's a function that you need when you want to reinstall and use the app.
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Goodnotes 6
Goodnotes 5 has been superb as a notetaking app. Goodnotes 6 is following the path of other apps to add features, change structures and increase file sizes with cosmetic changes that don’t improve efficiency or effectiveness. Microsoft OneNote has many features and much of what Goodnotes 6 offers. The extra features don’t improve navigation or effectiveness and make the app clunky. Rather than have one app that must DO everything, if you want to add features, create two. One that is great for notetaking and one that adds the frills, takes extra space and add “glitter”
Goodnotes has been superb…
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at a glance
Requesting having a feature to view multiple pages at a time and have a draggable scroll bar to run through the pages quickly like you would do in a normal notebook. The current at a glance menu (four square one) allows you to see 4 pages in a single row which, depending on how big we write isn't enough to understand what the content is on each page.
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Have the option to see when you wrote what, like google docs.
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Insert title and photos to comments
Ability to insert both titles and photos to each comment. The only option today is an automatic serial number as a title and only typing text as a comment.
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App Store Missing One-time Subscription
When trying to purchase a one-time payment for Goodnotes 6, the only available plans are the 1-year plans. This might be due to having started with the free trial, but I am worried about losing previously-made documents.
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Handwriting personalization for scribble-to-erase
With the addition of scribble to erase, some words that I write (especially cursive) tend to be mistaken as an attempt to erase. An addition of a personalization feature where we can input specific strokes that shouldn't be treated as scribbling would be extremely helpful, as currently I cannot use the scribble-erase function unless I never use the word "the" or "those"
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Toggle features on and off
The ability to turn off the scratch to erase feature. I write in cursive and having my words erased so often made me downgrade back to 5. I also have an issue with my cursive being converted to lines or shapes if I pause mid word
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Reconsidering menu bar icons design
In Goodnotes 6, I would say that the icons design (in menu bar) are more confused. Sometimes I hesitate to click on the good one.
This is the case for an icon I often use, "zoom window". Speaking of this one, I liked it better when it was on the left of the menu bar, not least because it disappears when I use Goodnotes in split view on my iPad.
Could you envisage a personal organization of icon placement? With the possibility of removing some of them. (For example, I never use the pointer and could therefore do without it).2 votes -
Paper size can no longer be changed
Probably after the announcement of Goodnotes 6, it is no longer possible to change the page size in Goodnotes 5. This is very inconvenient and needs to be fixed.
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modalità scrittura con la tastiera
nella modalità scrittura con tastiera, bisogna aggiungere la possibilità di aggiungere anche immagini, creando dei margini automatici che si spostano, e si modellano col testo circostante: bisogna renderla simile ad altre app competitor specializzate solo nella scrittura con tastiera come pages o word. al momento infatti goodnotes dal punto di vista della scrittura a mano libera/ con apple pencil a mio avviso è l'app migliore ma dal punto di vista della scrittura con tastiera c'è ancora strada da fare (al momento ci sono app dedicate: pages, word, ...) che fanno questo lavoro meglio.....
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Fix word erasure issue
GoodNotes 6 has an annoying quirk: I'll be writing along and suddenly a word will vanish as I write it. IT's not any one word, nor any combination of strokes in particular. I would call it intermittent, but it happens with aggravating regularity. It's only begun since upgrading to 6; I'm writing the same way I did in GoodNotes 5 and it never did this. Am I alone in experiencing this issue?
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Fix writing rejection
The new GoodNotes 6 has an annoying habit of erasing random words as I write them. I'd love to send this to your support page, but it seems pretty one-way. There's no one word that erases, no set pattern that causes it. I didn't have this problem with the identical useage in GoodNotes 5.
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Outline search or sort
It would be nice to have a search function for the outline, or a sort function.
2 votes
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