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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



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286 results found

  1. 3 votes

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  2. Export single pages into png or pdf. Not all pages.
    Export single pages into .goodnotes file. Not all pages.
    2nd half 2024 would be nice for it

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  3. add new fonts so we can customize, save the file without making a new whole pdf to save the data and there's a small glitch happens when we scroll down to another page the pen doesn't work for a while, and thank you for trying to get better.

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  4. 2 votes

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  5. In my pdf viewer, it can show equation normally. But when I import the same pdf file in Goodnote, my equation is weird.

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  6. Beta versions of app having bugs like stuck while scrolling and missing many features of my ios tab. I'm using samsung tab s8+ having powerful hardware configuration, So please improve your software as fluent of ios tab with all that feature including sharing file in pdf or goodnotes formats so that we can export or import goodnotes file between ios and android, please consider this. I'm doctor and this app is very helpful for me and all medicos. since long time I'm using goodnote5.
    Love from India 🇮🇳

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  7. I can't see the texts written by the keyboard option with a shared link. The pages are empty.

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  8. It would be amazing that I can edit jpeg files directly in the app, exactly as it is requested many times for pdf .

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  9. When I export the document which i import from my pc
    Use Highlighter ,pencil and add text inside pdf
    on exporting Position of ink written and highlighted color changes

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  10. Lasso Tool

    Being able to cut out certain pictures from a pdf of pictures.

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  11. In a document, when it’s a PDF with two columns, sometimes I need to take notes for each paragraph, so if I use a sticky note to summarise one paragraph, it takes up space over the next paragraph. If we had sticky notes which could be seen as symbols/ icons when not needed, and extended when clicked, it could save a ton of space while allowing us to take notes for each section.

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  12. The app should allow the user to import pdfs into notebooks, export notebooks as pdf, have more colors available for the pen, have the "crayon" and "fountain pen" types of writing, allow you to enter text from keyboard, allow you to insert images, make ruler and protractor available, allow you to insert bookmarks and allow you to filter the pages of a notebook according to a category entered by the user. To be at the top, the app should allow you to copy/paste the written text and should allow you to create more subgroups for the notebooks so…

    13 votes

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. Use copy and paste other documents or images in the text for takegood examples when you studie.

    Can use links or similars ideas to use, and can dowload any pdf. more than iOS users

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  15. I try to work on my Digital planner (7,3 Mo PDF files). There are slow-down: to open it, to write on it.
    And The app doesn’t recognize Hyperlinks in my file so I drop it.
    Please insert the same options in iOS version and fluidity.

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  16. ya Kardeşim bir sürü klasör oluşturdum ve içerisine yüzlerce sayfalık pdf yükledim ama sayfalar bomboş gözüküyor bu nedir.?

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  17. Let us import different types like PDFs pictures maybe also Word and PowerPoint files as pages or into a page.
    E.g. I'm a student and work everywhere possible without paper. Our teachers give us most files as a PDF online and I have a notebook for every teacher (subject). Because of this it would be really usefull to import at least PDFs and pictures as or into pages.

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  18. It may just be because it's in beta, but i can't find words in pdfs by pressing ctrl f

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  19. Just to compile the ideas I have seen.
    1. Shapes. Premade shapes, stIcky notes. So far I've been just making my own templates and copy and pasting, but I don't like constantly switching journals to do that.
    2. Ability to recolor what we have wrote with our stylus.
    3. more colors! Hex codes.
    4. Maybe watercolor brushes.
    5. import pictures or screenshots from websites.
    6. Lines automatically straight or have a ruler tool.
    7. More pen size! I love having the ability to vary my pen size.
    8. Hyperlinks to other parts of my motes. for example,I link

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  20. Being able to put numbers on pages as well as headers, footers or watermarks. At least when exporting the document to PDF.

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