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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2251 results found

  1. Also! Sign out and sign into different accounts. I accidentally signed in using the wrong email address, and now am unable to change the account I am using which is very frustrating.

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  2. Being able to open a PDF in good notes on android

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  3. I was wondering if you were able to make any of the pens, highlighters, etc. to smudge using as a tool, which is also something that has not been made for Apple iOS either. I sometimes take drawings in reference to my notes. Just a thought

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  4. 상단 바(노트의 제목이 써져있는 곳)를 숨길 수 있는 기능이 있으면 좋겠습니다.

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Nothing in this app stands out against my SNotes for Samsung. It's too plain of a note taking app. The IOS version is much better from videos i have seen. Make this Android version similar to that, otherwise I would just rather use my SNote app that I am used to.

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    IM glad that I can use on windows, I hope you upload the develope version of good note on windows .
    Thanks again.

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  8. In samsung tablets, s pen has a botton and it would make the whole note taking experience 10x efficient if pressing and holding the botton can activate the eraser and releasing it brings us back to writing.

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  9. massive delay, started to write the letter T but it autocorrected it to a triangle.

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  10. As a school in Germany, we are not allowed to create backups on foreign servers. Since each school has the Iserv system (own server), the best solution for us would be to be able to select our own server as the destination for the automatic backup. The manual solution is possible for our students, but it is more complex and many forget to create the backup. The function would affect over 300 people at our school (and counting) and certainly many more throughout Germany.

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  11. for example, some lecturer power slide can be show together in one screen to summary all the information

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  12. 펜 종류가 더 많았으면 좋겠어요 연필이라던가..?

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  13. Hola me gustaría que arreglarán el trazo para Spen ya que tiene algunas fallas y presenta lentitud,me gustaría sugerir algunas plantillas para distintas facultades cómo salud o anatomía, programación, contabilidad entre otras,sobre el teclado creo que aún no posee esa opción
    Mi dispositivo es Samsung galaxy Tab s6 Lite

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  14. Being able to switch between pen and eraser (or previously used item) by tapping the page twice or 2 fingers etc.

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  15. To have the View mode before Edit mode when clicking on your documents. Sometimes we just want to consult our notes and not edit the document right away, and I keep leaving marks on my notes everytime I open it and just want to scroll down and I have to erase after.

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  16. I'm wondering if instead of using Windows native file explorer, we would be able to have access to look at documents in the cloud to pull our files from OneDrive, or something to that effect.

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. When I position the screen vertically, the text box shrinks as a tab. When I return to the horizontal position, the text is shifted by about 1/5 of the page

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  19. Decreasing size of single or couple words is limited to a certain size as bigger groups of words can be resized to smaller size compared to single/couple words.

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  20. it would be really useful, if one could open a file via url.

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