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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2274 results found

  1. In windows app, it do not surpport pressure sensitive
    of Surface Pen

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  2. Lenovo Flex 5.
    1) The pen colour swatches in the top display need a border for contrast. At any but a perfect viewing angle, the black pen blends in completely to the charcoal background.
    2) The eraser functionality is unpredictable and frustrating. A long press of the eraser button on my pen will permanently change the tool to eraser, requiring I make a large movement to change back to pen tool. It appears to be inconsistent in whether it changes tool or just erases that line. Please just make this a checkbox option and make the behaviour consistent; option 1…

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  3. allow to open large pdf files as medical books are very large

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  4. It would be great if there was a possibility to use your tablet and pen on it to write or draw on PC or Laptop (to have much huger screen) or easily sinc your tablet files with pc (through Google drive, etc.)

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  5. 교과서 PDF를 열려고하는데 너무 버벅거리고 글씨가 안아옵니다 고쳐주세요

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  6. The ability to add extra pages in the middle of, or at any point, in the notebook

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  7. Please make the UX better for your store bought notebook covers!

    I have bought many covers. Having to export every single page as a pdf and reimport (and name) each just to be able to use them is such a negative experience that it outweighs all the benefits of being able to import my own pdfs as covers.

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  8. There is a problem with brushes, the smaller the size of the brush, the slower it is, but when the brush is large, its speed is normal

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    • Crear carpetas con varios blocks de notas
    • Uso de lupa
    • Pegatinas
    • Texto de "mano" a texto de "computadora"
    • Corrección de figuras
    • Más pociones de personalización
    • Separadores de páginas
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  9. It would be cool if we had the chance to work on a document with multiple people. So if i change something it will also change my partners notes

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  10. 再度アプリでノートを開いたときに、前回の終了時のページからスタートするか否かの選択肢を与えてほしい

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  11. I think it's always a good idea to have a tutorial feature with new apps like how adobe's open screen has a list of features that can be done on the app. This might take a bit to lay out and present.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. It would be nice to create graphs!

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  14. On my Samsung Tablet it doesn't offer any options for a selected item, wheter it is a text box, lasso selected things or anything else. I would love to see a number of options when having something selected such as copy, delete, paste, cut, change style etc.

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  15. For example, taking photos without stopping the voice recording. I don't know if it's possible, but it would be a good thing.

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  16. It would be nice to add a button that allows only S Pen to draw when writing or allows hand drawing.

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  17. I installed beta verson about three to four weeks ago, and there has been no update since then while all other apps on MS store have updated almost every weeks.
    When will this application import from and export to iPad version, import PDF file, work with Dropbox or any tiny improvement?

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  18. Hey guys, great app and I love the new update

    I have a glitch where if I scroll for the first time then I get sent back to the original position and then if I scroll the second time it works perfectly.

    I am on the OnePlus pad(256GB ROM,12GB RAM) with Android 13,Oxygen OS 13.1 update OPD2203_13.1.0.602(EX01) (latest)

    Kindly resolve this issue

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  19. Ter como converter escrita a mão para escrita com fonte / importar fontes

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