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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2274 results found

  1. I'm using this app on a surface pro 8 and have used it with both slim pens (old and new), I've noticed that my writing on Good notes is more blocky/stiff compared to my writing on One Note which looks exactly like my natural handwriting.
    I will be the happiest human in the whole universe if yall replicate the same writing feel One Note has :')

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  2. I have an engineering office. In the evening, I plan the business program or what to do. I believe that we will work more efficiently if I can get out of the application on the computer and deliver the business steps I planned in the morning in the morning.

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  3. Ability to export and/or print documents would be croucial for students

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  4. More colors and transparency's as well some more shapes for drawing.
    Never tough that Goodnotes it will be essential on my every day ideas for new projects.
    the sketch is very rough but it will be awesome with more choices of colors

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  5. Currently when I write using a pen tablet ( like Wacom/ XP-pen), it takes pen input (writing) and when I use mouse it takes scroll function ( drag and move the page).
    I want to scroll ( drag and move the page) using my pen tablet also because switching between mouse and pen again and again is very inconvenient.

    For that I request you to provide a hand tool, which on being selected drag and move the page. I have attached an image of open board which has similar tool.

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  6. This wasn't even possible in the iPad version last time I checked, and it was the one thing that was always stopping me from using Goodnotes: allow handwriting recognition in more than one language in any note. I study languages and handwrite my notes in noth English and the language I'm studying (in the same note), and I need to be able to search for both later on. Nebo is currently my only choice on Windows - it at least supports English along with another language of your choice simultaneously. (Apple's Notes app handles it automatically on their platforms.)

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  7. having the ability to type text using the kyboard is extremely important, especially for students like me who write a lot during classes and need to do it fast

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  8. full screen provides a clear and large vision.

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  9. It would be good to add the option to type with keyboard, while also having the option to draw. Right now, its just the option to draw which yes i have a touch screen windows, but i would rather type and draw diagram!

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  10. When I'm writing, I like having my computer in portrait view because it mimics a piece of paper more closely. But when I do this, the app won't allow me to write - something about the screen being too small. However, when I leave it in "desktop" view, only about 1/3 of the "paper" is shown because the upper toolbar is so large.

    If these issues could be corrected, it would definitely enhance the experience of using the app!

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  11. I can't see any difference in the ballpen and fountain pen.

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  12. for examle you can fix the text marker in yellow color to the bar and the pencil in black color. To be able to swith more quickly between the pens.

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  13. would be nice to have the option to create sections like in OneNote.
    For example:

    Section 1 you can call "1. Semester" or "English"
    -> and in that section you can save several notebooks
    Section 2 you can call "2. Semester" or "Maths"
    -> and in that section you can save again different notebooks

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  14. The ability to give a set of pages in a notebook a title so when looking for a page in a notebook you can search for a title instead of having to know which page number those specific notes are in

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  15. Would be great if there was a template for this available. And on this topic, different brushes too (watercolour, etc.) for visual students to draw out their ideas

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  16. Many of us use Goodnotes for language-learning. Please allow a mechanism that reads out the sound of the language, and has a dictionary function (preferably offline) so that we can read documents in other languages without that much hassle

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  17. Please consider allowing shapes like arrows, text boxes with lines, etc. And please allow the option of pageless whiteboard as part of the app. Having an option for clipboard stickers would also be highly appreciated.

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  18. The app should allow the user to import pdfs into notebooks, export notebooks as pdf, have more colors available for the pen, have the "crayon" and "fountain pen" types of writing, allow you to enter text from keyboard, allow you to insert images, make ruler and protractor available, allow you to insert bookmarks and allow you to filter the pages of a notebook according to a category entered by the user. To be at the top, the app should allow you to copy/paste the written text and should allow you to create more subgroups for the notebooks so as to…

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  19. It would be great if user can connect easily with the same account as Ipad use (which is often a email adress), or a Gmail ; and no only by a Microsoft account.

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  20. Love the iOS app. I think others are right with you should be treating this software as a windows application like Brightroom or Word instead of an Internet extension.
    -As a beta, I was expecting more being able to log into my account like, being able to see what I have already created on iOS since I paid the fee. Even if all the features arent there just being able to reference them would be nice and just a little pop up window of "hey, not all features of this document will be available with this version and editing will…

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