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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2273 results found

  1. It would be nice to have the option to type instead of writing. I'd like to be able to open GoodNotes on my work PC and have it synced with GoodNotes on my iPad.

    13 votes
  2. Ability to use the same account for iPad and desktop app, having access to the same library will be awesome!
    Also, will be happy to have some accessibility feather (for example for visually impaired) or support higher resolution :-)

    5 votes
  3. On this version you cannot use icloud to sync notes and you cant add images. I think this is in the VERY early stages. Also the mac version is pretty rubbish too.

    3 votes
  4. I use Goodnotes to teach.

    I wish I could swap between pages with the arrow keys or something similar, similar to how PowerPoint does it.
    If not a keyboard shortcut, a "next page" button on the top would be nice.

    Until this feature is implemented, I cannot fully switch to Goodnotes.

    4 votes
  5. On iPad touch interface, there is no mouse pointer stuff.
    But on Windows, we have to see mouse pointer no matter what wacom pen you use.

    Writing with arrow pointer is annoying, GoodNotes on Windows needs to apply pointer by each pen just like MS Whiteboard on Windows version.

    10 votes
  6. 2 votes
  7. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  8. Se passo alla selezione con lazzo tramite pulsante sulla penna vorrei evitare di selezionare la penna da schermo prima di tornare a scrivere.

    1 vote
  9. different kind of shapes like rectangles or triangle and such should be able to be recognized and then formed perfectly.

    6 votes
  10. 3 votes
  11. I'm trying to use shared notebooks with my students. Some of them have an iPad or Mac. Those that don't are unable to do more than read them. IThe children just love doing the homework I give them in GoodNotes! It's far superior to Google Docs! Thank you!

    9 votes
  12. Sharing options are somewhat hidden. I've been using goodnotes 5 on my iphone for school notes (I'm a game design college student so i take a lot of notes) and sharing on Iphone is easy and right where we would think it is. I used the Windows version and it feels hidden. it is in a tools list inside an extra menu where i would never think of going for sharing a file. i belive it would be better to have it in a sharing menu within a standard sharing icon on the top right corner of the UI. also…

    3 votes
  13. Be able to export PDF's from good notes Beta for windows would be extremely helpful and a perfect next feature to add that way students in highschool can print or submit documents

    24 votes
  14. For some reason when I am drawing a decimal point, it will just disappear and I will still get haptic like I am drawing if I don't lift off, but won't it won't be drawing anything. It happens about 50% of the time when I try to make a very small circle indicating a decimal point.

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  15. can we customize colors, pen type and many more after selecting it with lasso tools and also a rectangular lasoo tool to is needed

    4 votes
  16. I would like for the beta version to have all the is features, like the image import, shape text, and the zoom window for sure as the beta version is really not helpful to write notes, but it is a great start! Just hoping for to use a more beneficial app like the ios one.

    7 votes
  17. If my hand is on the display of my Dell Latitude 5285 while writing, the pen input is no longer recognized as soon as the active pen is lifted from the display. it is necessary to take your hand off the display and only put it down again while the pen is touching the display.
    Unfortunately you have to repeat this procedure after almost every drawn line. Alternatively, you could let your writing-hand constantly float, which is absolutely impractical for several reasons.
    This does not appear in any other programm.

    5 votes
  18. Something that would be beneficial for both Windows & IOS is more freedom & customization regarding the pen/eraser opacity, texture, and pressure sensitivity. Being able to control what the pressure does, such as making the pen more or less opaque, or changing the size, would be very helpful. Same goes for erasers; being able to choose the opacity / pressure sensitivity would be very useful.

    14 votes
  19. Being able to import GIFs from the internet or upload from the device

    3 votes
  20. Please try to release newer versions with new features little faster and regularly. Also try to make the window app little early as the web app lags a bit sometimes when the content on the notebook increases

    3 votes
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