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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2273 results found

  1. hyperlinks should work i dont see why this is not a feature....

    14 votes
  2. There are only 3 colors that are readily available So a button / option through which we can add as many pen color shortcut we need

    14 votes
  3. Just add the functionality of being able to change fonts.

    14 votes
  4. I need an app for my android phone too, not just my tablet.

    14 votes
  5. It would be nice to have a feature where your handwriting is automatically converted to text as soon a you stop writing.

    14 votes
  6. it would be great, if it would be possible to isert multiple pdf into one document

    14 votes
  7. Add a function where you can customize gestures like tap with two fingers to undo or double tap to undo or you can swipe left to undo or like double tap to switch between tools. something like this

    14 votes
  8. The app is okayish now...but can be made more better.Better would be to make it liken the ios version for whatever it takes.The app is too much laggy now.Dcumemts aren't easily accessible.Please work on it before launching the main version.Eager to try the new version!!!

    14 votes
  9. I am using Samsung Galaxy Tab. However, when using the current GoodNotes, it is regrettable that the button on the side of the Tab S Pen cannot be switched to erase.

    14 votes
  10. Many android tablets are being created with eink displays. I am using am onyx boox max lumi. I'd love to see support for these eink tablets running Android like mine. I've installed the beta kn the max lumi but it crashes and the lag is significant for writing with a stylus.

    14 votes
  11. Making it like Nebo for windows like making it to where we can choose the font we want to write in and convert it to that font.

    14 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  12. Being able to crop picture

    14 votes
  13. If we could upload files and be able to scan text so we can copy and paste (or edit) it that would be great.

    14 votes
  14. Being able to have 2 pages of the same document side by side would help when trying to read/edit a larger document

    14 votes
  15. Maybe add the possibility to rearrange the colors on the color selector menu that would be really helpful.

    14 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  16. Allow to change the colour of what we have written to a diffrent colour. Like the one in samsung notes

    14 votes
  17. Beta versions of app having bugs like stuck while scrolling and missing many features of my ios tab. I'm using samsung tab s8+ having powerful hardware configuration, So please improve your software as fluent of ios tab with all that feature including sharing file in pdf or goodnotes formats so that we can export or import goodnotes file between ios and android, please consider this. I'm doctor and this app is very helpful for me and all medicos. since long time I'm using goodnote5.
    Love from India 🇮🇳

    14 votes
  18. I bought a journal online that came with a goodnote formated sticker book. Could you make the format accessible in the beta version? Also could you make it so it is possible to move multiple pages atthesame time. Also being able to view the stickers in a notebook and insert them by having both side by side would be easier.

    14 votes
  19. 14 votes
  20. It would good if i could scan Dokument and work on it. In the IOS Version you can do it. Now i have a windows Surface. a classmate has to scan the document with her Apple Pad and send me the PDf on email. I feel really emberassed because i have to ask her if she could send it to me...

    14 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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