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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2282 results found

  1. Please fix this, it makes it impossible to use. It even changes the letters and makes it illegible

    19 votes
  2. Since the BETA version of GoodNotes on Windows update, I immediately imported my digital planner because I've been dying to use it. I imported the 2023 Digital Cute Planner - Black Edition - from the World of Printables, and it imported all the pages with no issues. However, it didn't keep any of the formatting for the tabs, where if you click a tab it took you to the corresponding pages. I think it would be beneficial since I know this planner works on iOS, as my friend uses the same planner. It does make it harder to use the…

    19 votes
  3. I'm glad that it's coming to other platforms, the features are lacking in the beta but i hope it'll be like the ios version I'm full release. So far I'm using it on galaxy tab s8, the pen hover feature works for the ui but writing has lots of latency and i would love to see air action support so i can map tools to it like in samsung notes, noteshelf, clip studio paint, krita etc.

    19 votes
  4. Linked tabs like on iPad would be great!

    19 votes
  5. goodnotes being a web app on both android and windows makes it much more laggy and the delay is much more noticable. it would improve the user experience if it was finally converted to a native app.

    18 votes
  6. As someone who uses my S8 tab alot for my digital planning I feel as though some font options would be a great addition to the android goodnotes app. It would also be nice to be able to import custom fonts, as I feel like this makes it feel more personal and enjoyable. I have always loved to be able to customise my stuff.

    18 votes
  7. when will Goodnotes be the same application as goodnotes 6 which is really great ?
    I'll pay for Goodnotes 6 in Android not for this light current version.
    Goodnotes 6 is the complete app that I expect.
    It will be awesome and I'm waiting for update.

    18 votes
  8. since this app is widely used by Students it should be availeble for a fixed price. For alot of students subscriptions are an unrealistic financial commitment. I personally dont get why android/ win users should have to keep paying for a subscription while apple users get it at a one time fixed price.

    It needs to fully work offline on all platforms and a sync between them is mandatory.

    I have been looking forward to the first official release for a while, but sadly in this state right now it is missing to many features. Atm there are free apps…

    18 votes
  9. Changing own handwriting in a prettier font and having the choice between many fonts

    18 votes
  10. First of all, we cannot edit when we are not connected to the internet. This is really bad. We should be able to use the application while offline.
    Also, the writing experience with the stylus pen in the android version is not smooth.

    1. You should make a trash bin.
    2. In order to use pen options more effectively, you should make a floating favorite bar and you should not set a number limit on this feature and we should be able to position this bar horizontally or vertically.
    3. There is a 100 mb file size limit when importing notes. This is…
    18 votes
  11. Please add options to fill color in shapes ,
    add Precise eraser and
    Lasso Selection screenshot options

    18 votes
  12. 18 votes
  13. Android tablet users are familiar with flexcil. And in flexcil, we can erase what we write until we press the button of spen if we are galaxy users. It is better to put a options that we can choose about eraser. For example, if we can select 'erase while press the spen button' and 'change mode between eraser and pen when press the button one time.'

    18 votes
  14. I had use most of the note taking software available in market and I know GoodNotes is currently in beta stage but features like editing image i.e cropping & selecting but there is lot more like copy text feature from directly handwriting as handwriting is converted to text and also something like floating toolbox as windows device have larger screen floating box will help them to continue the flow. I hope you will soon add features like cloud backup and export notes in pdf form and others.
    Thank you!

    18 votes
  15. Please incorporate the zoom-in feature like that of the iOS version on iPad where you can write/draw in the zoomed-in section. This would be really helpful if utilizing a pen with a touch screen windows computer

    18 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  16. I would like to have a pan tool that allows you to move while holding down a key (like in Krita).

    The reason is that I would like to be able to move while I have already zoomed in.

    18 votes
  17. I wish there was a way to see the outline or add tabs that could link to another page, or a way to link a page to through textboxes.

    18 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  18. The lines you draw are not that good, it is not smooth lines. It shows some edges and aliasing.

    18 votes
  19. Like Microsoft OneNote, introducing a feature to add tags to handwritten text or images within a page benefits students.

    This feature would allow students to keep track of specific content instead of adding the entire page to the outline (like GoodNotes on IOS).

    I have included a written example for more information.

    18 votes
  20. Like for example with Word. Comments can be added at any point in the document. You should be able to edit and delete them. Additionally it would be good if the position could be moved and also other people could edit these comments. Comments are very helpful when other people read through the document and don't want to write in it, but still want to comment in some places.

    18 votes
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