2284 results found
Move Text
Need to be able to select text that you want and be able to move it easily from one side of the paper to another. Kinda like One Note.
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Goodnotes for Windows is bad
When opening two windows of goodnotes, 7 times out of ten my laptop starts lagging and i have to restart it because closing goodnotes doesnt fix the issue. (I dont have that problem with any other program). Also not being able to view documents offline is ridiculous for an app like this. Thats probably also why pages of my documents take long to load/ dont load at all. Me and my colleagues have switched to another note taking app and wont come back until these issues are fixed
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Digitalisation of paper notes
I often make notes on paper, and then need to write it al over again in good notes, so I think it would be a nice option to digitilize them perfectly by scanning as if I've written them in the app.
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The goodnotes page cannot be modified.
Use the Galaxy Tack Good Note. You cannot copy, paste, or cut pages.
I can't find any information about page modifications on the Internet.
Is it impossible to modify the page because it is a beta version of goodnotes on the Galaxy Tab?1 vote -
Lasso Select to different pages
Lasso selecting items from one page in order to move it to another page
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card view of all the pages is not readily available
The option to view all of my pages (the 4 boxes icon) is only available when good notes is minimized to 1/3 of my screen. The option to export select pages from my notebook into a PDF is sadly not an option. I have an ASUS laptop with windows software.
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Al poner la samsung 9 en vertical que se pueda escribir y que aparezca el menú para poder tener las diferentes opciones de escritura. Antes estaba, pero no se porque ha desaparecido y sólo puedo usar goodnotes en horizontal.
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all erase fucntion
Please add the all erase function.
I usually use this app when solving problems. The all erase function is needed when solving math.1 vote -
Goodnotes is not working for me! All the sudden it stopped letting me draw with my finger or my stylus Bluetooth pen! It only let's me draw with the mouse and that is very hard to do when trying to do your homework! I hope this issue can be resolve because otherwise you have lost me on your site! Thank you for your time!
Sincerely, your customer
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Poner un inicio con todas las hojas
Me gustaría que hubiera un inicio con todas las hojas del pdf, para poder moverse mejor por ellas. Al igual que estaría bien poder destarcarlas, y asi tener las importantes seleccionadas y es más facil encontrarlas. IGUAL QUE EN IOS
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text size
could you give us the ability to change the base text size instead of it always resetting to 24
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다 좋은데.. 렉이 너무 많이 걸리고 입력이 느려요.. 이것만 좀 고쳐주세요,,
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Abgeschnittene/verschwindende Dokumente
Wenn man das Tablet dreht oder in ein anderes Dokument wechselt ist immer auf der linken Seite ein Teil des Dokuments abgeschnitten, bzw. er ferschwindet außerhalb des Bildschirms und man muss Goodnotes jedes mal neustarten, damit es wieder richtig funktioniert. Bitte beheben Sie das.
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맨날 페이지 안뜨고 그래요
제발 페이지 누락좀 고쳐 주세요
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내가 필기하는 부분을 녹음할 수 있게 해주세요.
아이패드의 굿노트에는 있는 기능이 삼성 탭에 없으니 불편한 부분이 많습니다.1 vote -
When I select pictures in the goodonotes document I should be able than to paste in a different Windows document (copy to clipboard)! But this doesn't work in the Windows version of Goodnotes!
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goodnotes does not work on university wifi
goodnotes for windows does not work on university wifi like IOS goodnotes does, as only preview loads. Opening any notes returns a loading error and blank screen. Interestingly, input works just fine, there just isnt any output. Probably the reason for this is filters in the University wifi (eduroam), still, i believe it probably should.
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always Wrong
When opening a PDF file, there is always an error and I have to reload it.
Aw, Snap
Something went wrong while displaying this webpage.1 vote -
노트사이즈를 확대가능토록 개선 요청
10년 넘게 노트를 사용하고 있습니다.
타의 추종을 불허할 정도로 좋은 노트 기능을 사용하게 되어 기분이 아주 좋습니다.
과거에는 회사 근무하면서 주로 메모기능, 회의기능등으로 활용하였는데 요즘은 학습활동에 전념하고 있습니다.
모두 만족하나 아래 사항이 추가되면 더 유용하게 이용이 될 것 같습니다.
1. 노트가 10인치 정도(?)로 한정되어 있는것 같습니다. 이것을 A3 또는 A2 사이즈까지 확대하여 사용할 수 없을까요?
여러 복잡한 내용들을 한 페이지 (예를 들면 A3 size)에 정리해서 일목 요연하게 볼수 있다면 아주 유용하게 사용되리라 생각됩니다.
2. 물론 pdf로 변환도 되고 프린트도 가능하도록 같이 개발되어야 하면 더욱 좋겠지요...감사합니다. 학수고대 해 보겠습니다.
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I happy but...
Estoy contenta con vuestro lanzamiento a Android pero un poco disgustada tengo una Samsung Tab a 2019, me dijeron que no podía usar un lápiz óptico pero es mentira. Probé a usarlo y no es tan bueno como los que están preparados para ello pero funciona bastante bien. Después de mucho tiempo esperando goodnotes para Android por la recomendaciones de personas cercanas, acabe descargandome vuestra app de forma pirata porque continuamente me decía que no valía para mi dispositivo. Consigo que descargarla del PlayStation y ahora no me deja actualizar, ni poner reseñas. Que os hace falta una buena como…
1 vote
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