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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2298 results found

  1. Nas versões Android e Windows, a função não faz a busca da palavra e vai de encontro com os resultados.

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  2. I‘d like to be able to add keywords or other notes as a comment or sticky note (from the new update) without having to scroll through the entire notebook to find them (it is especially tedious if a notebook has 50+ pages). It would be nice to be able to search for a specific comment or sticky note or have an option to see easily where those comments/sticky notes have been placed. With both the sticky notes and the comments I think it would be nice to perhaps have like a sidebar where you can read them without actually having…

    1 vote
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  3. Hello,
    My suggestion is to have view zoom percentage number on the corner of the goodnotes notes screen. it can be shown in slope game while we’re adjusting the zoom with pinching and then fade out after 1-2 seconds! also would be great to have this percentage in zoom window mode as well!

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  4. In general I want more settings for everything on Windows. For me, the most important settings would be for textfields. Its very annoying that the textsize reduces with every TAB, pleas give us a setting to turn it of. In addition it would be very important for speed of typing, that we can do settings like bold or color with shortcuts on the keyboard (shortcuts for everything, like new page or new textfield. Thank you so much if you can implement these features.

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  5. 1 vote
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  6. 1 vote
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  7. Some words on my notes just get deleted on their own or partially deleted

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  8. 1 vote
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  9. 1 vote
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  10. Notes from my ipad appear on my PC!!!

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  11. ファイルのインポートサイズの拡大

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  12. In procreate, for example, there’s something called streamline, which helps you have neat lines. For people like me, with a doctor looking handwriting, a feature like this would save our time, notes, and overall increase productivity in notetaking. Feature like this is NEEDED.

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  13. Ocr on android yuhuuu

    1 vote
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  14. Upload your file and let ChatGPT 4o
    Make ( multiple choice , true or false , flash cards ) questions for you. So you can practice and perform well in the exam!

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  15. make it compatability whit another Android devices

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  16. ページの外ではペンでも移動可能にしてほしい。

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  17. There's a Input Delay unlike other Apps whether you use a Stylus or your Finger. I think because it's not a Standalone App so it's a bit slower. Also hold to draw doesn't work with Arrows.

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  18. in my windows version the laser would've stayed for a second even if I tap again but now it instantly disappear when I tap again, this is a huge problem when writing a quick note
    Thank you

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  19. When I share an IOS notebook, all of my Full Text Typing is missing in the web app - I need to be able to see that as 90% of my IOS notes are created with Full Text Typing

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    1. Hand Tool with Space Bar: It would be great if you could add an option to activate the hand tool by pressing the space bar.

    2. Sticker Scrolling Issue: I’ve noticed that horizontal scrolling for stickers isn’t working. If it could be fixed, that would be awesome! (This is less of a priority for me.)

    3. Shortcut for Laser Tool: Could we get a shortcut for the laser tool? It would be fantastic if users could also customize their own shortcuts.

    4. Text Color Preservation: It would be really helpful if text color could be preserved just like text size.

    5. Zoom with Mouse…

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