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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9118 results found

  1. I know this might sound weird, but if I find that something on the support site isn't working properly, what should I do to report the issue? There's nothing in the "Please select the main component that is causing problems" field that I see relevant.

    I recently filed a request on the support site and found that my request status was marked as 'solved'.

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  2. Liebes Goodnotesteam:

    Ich habe einige Ideen, die zur Verbesserung der App beitragen könnten:

    -wie schon bereits genannt wäre es sehr praktisch, wenn man das Layout mehrer Seiten auf einmal ändern könnte
    - es wäre Praktisch wenn man Bildschirmfotos direkt in Sticker umwandeln könnte und nicht den Umweg über die Galerie gehen müsste
    - Es wäre zudem super praktisch, wenn das Geschrieben in Text umgewandelt werden könnte, dass Layout des Geschriebenen aber beibehalten würde
    - Eine Tabellenfunktion wäre super
    -Eine Handletteringfunktion wäre auch super
    - Es wäre toll, wenn Sticker aus der Vorlage von der Größe auch seitlich in die Länge…

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  3. It would be awesome if when I drew two rectangles using the shape tool, Goodnotes could recognize one of the shapes has an intersecting border with the other one, and combine the two shapes while just keeping the exterior borders.

    Or, instead of automatically recognizing the intersections, create an "erase up to intersection" option for the eraser specifically for shapes.

    This could also be used to create a wider variety of shapes without having to program in recognition algorithms for semi circles, plus signs, ect.

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. Visualize this expedition as a serene sojourn, where tranquility and discretion coalesce seamlessly, and the borders of digital platforms dissolve. Be it the vast landscape of a desktop or the nimble pathways of a smartphone, the Instagram Story Viewer stands as a symbol of compatibility, ensuring a seamless and delightful adventure for every silent explorer. Let it be your trusted companion, adding an extra layer of enchantment to your exploration.

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  6. The introduction of an in-app marketplace is a delightful surprise, providing users with access to a variety of digital stationery, stickers, planners, paper templates, and study notes. Subscribers' exclusive content and discounts add an extra layer of value to the overall user experience.

    In summary, GoodNotes 6 has not only met but exceeded expectations by transforming into an all-encompassing learning hub. I am excited to explore and leverage these new features in my educational journey, confident that GoodNotes will continue to be an invaluable companion in my pursuit of knowledge.

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  7. The intuitive pen gestures introduced in GoodNotes 6 make note-taking even more seamless. Scribble to Erase and Circle to Lasso are brilliant additions, allowing for effortless correction and selection without disrupting the writing flow. The integration of Math Conversion further showcases the app's adaptability, recognizing and converting handwritten equations with impressive precision.

    The announcement of Math Conversion being added to GoodNotes 5 is fantastic news, and I want to extend my gratitude to the user volunteers who contributed to perfecting this technology.

    The expanded template customization options in GoodNotes 6 are a welcome addition, allowing users to tailor their…

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  8. We understand the importance of maintaining your flow while taking notes, which is why we've introduced intuitive pen gestures in GoodNotes 6. Scribble to Erase allows you to seamlessly correct mistakes without interrupting your writing, while Circle to Lasso simplifies the process of selecting and manipulating content with just a stroke of your pen.

    Additionally, GoodNotes now recognizes math equations, enabling seamless conversion from handwriting to text. This feature will soon be available in GoodNotes 5 as well, thanks to the invaluable feedback from our dedicated user volunteers.

    But that's not all – we've expanded our template library and customization…

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  9. From what I remember, before one of the last updates, the select button was in the toolbar. Its a bit of a pain (ok a big pain for me) when I have scrolled down halfway through the files on my iPad and then now need to scroll up to the top to hit the select button to move, copy, etc. files. It should always be on the screen when in the folder management sections of the app.

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  10. I would like to be able to get asked what language I want to use to index the created document or at least be able to set a default

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  11. Fix the Bug with the showed pen not correlating with which one actually is used and fix that it‘s always asking you to upgrade even though You already did (pics attached)

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  12. I had already sent my message about this situation, but i hadn’t received answer yet.
    I have my goodnote6 free coupon for 6 months, but when i try to use it, the program says it isn’t approval. So could you plz fix this error asap??

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Ca serait cool de pouvoir realiser nos tableaux.
    Le mieux serait d’avoir l’émoticone au niveau de la barre du haut (à côté du symbole de stylo, gomme, laser, …)

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  15. 제가 다른 애플계정으로 로그인 하고 다시 굿노트가 있는 계정으로 로그인할려고 했는데 계속 계정이있다하고 로그인이 안되요. 계속 같은 화면만 뜨고 이거 어떻게 하나요?

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  16. Would be nice to get some Japanese themed stuff in the store.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. 숫자를 누른후에 . 을 입력하고 스페이스바를 누르면 자동으로 띄어쓰기가 4칸정도 되는데 이거 해결할 수 있는 방법 없나요

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  19. I love using my stylist to highlight. But sometimes I find my hands to be shaky so I perfer to hold and select text to highlight. I’m proposing adding colours to the hold to highlight feature. It’s limited to just yellow. PLEASE ADD ALL COLOURS TO HOLD TO HIGHLIGHT FEATURE.

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  20. Simpler way to convert handwriting to text. Other apps you can just double tap and it converts. The lasso is helpful, but requires a good amount of dexterity (circling accurately and tapping on the line).

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