8821 results found
Search function in Trash Bin - this used to be available in v4 but disappeared in v5
Could you please add a search function into the trash area so we can search trashed notebooks - we search using job numbers so this would be very handy in this area as well.
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zoom out function
A way where one could zoom out of the pages, so you could see all of your pages in that file. Like in Word/Pages.
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Simple Shape Mode
Could we have a mode that defaults to simple shapes for the shape tool? My handwriting is terrible... but if I draw something that remotely looks like a rectangle, I want it to be a rectangle, not some other weird shape.
So maybe only allow circles, squares, rectangles, triangles? Something along these lines...
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Exported Documents ADA Compliant
I import PDFs that are ADA compliant; but when they get exported out of Good Notes, they have lost all compatibility. Is there a way to preserve the incoming structure, and to include handwriting recognition to make the documents ADA compliant?
1 voteCould you please add more specifics which capabilities are needed exactly to be ADA compliant? We are not experts in this field. Please note that there are two different PDF data formats you can chose from in the export options. Flattened and Editable. Flattened will preserve the option to search for handwritten notes.
Can I input powerpoint for mac version?
Can I input powerpoint for mac version,i want copy a part of my powerpoint .
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Imported images turn out to have bag quality
The quality of imported images is really really bad! I can‘t read it sometimes or annotate anything because it has so many pixels.
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resize written area in order to be able to write next to it on the empty space
The written area, for example, can be resized (e.g. text field previously over the whole page, afterwards only on the left side). That would make it possible to write or take notes next to the previous text field without having to move the sentence parts individually so that there would be some space to take notes again.
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Unselect selection tool
I love the new option with the eraser where it snaps back to the pen or highlighter tool once you are done with it and I think it would be great to see that with the selection tool too.
Thanks for your consideration.
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Synchronized group work
Make it like Google Docs where it syncs every detail and action immediately.
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A mini-map
A mini-map or something like it, to tell you where you are on the screen and how much space you have left.
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Move current page number up a bit (hidden by iPad OS toolbar)
This might be a specific use case issue, but when having split screen of two different notebooks open, the Toolbar at the bottom covers up the page numbers. I know I can move the GoodNotes tool bar to the bottom, which in turn moves the page number to the top of the view, but this is an uncomfortable solution.
So my suggestion is to move the page numbers up a bit when the tool bar shows. This way a person can easily reference the page number when making a master list for different parts of the document.
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New notebook from Clipboard pages
Instead of creating a notebook and then pasting the pages we copied earlier from another notebook, it will be easier if there is an option to insert pages from clipboard directly. (check sshot attached)
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MacOS Share Menu Extension. IOS Share Actions Direct to Goodnotes.
IOS Sharing direct to Goodnotes irregardless of what the source application is. Currently Evernote and OneNote appear to be able to receive just about any share from any application on MacOs and IOS. Screenshot attached of a sample of what they are able to do. I also have a screen shot of how I can send an application to either Evernote or OneNote. Being able to share an output directly from an app into Goodnotes removes a 1 or 2 step necessity that would require a user to transform the output into pdf and then go into Goodnotes and import…
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Delete a page inside a notebook
I hope we are able to delete a page inside a notebook via the hamburger menu. It is supper inconvenient to visit thumbnails and then click the arrow for deleting a page.
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Delete a page inside a notebook
I hope we are able to delete a page inside a notebook via the hamburger menu. It is supper inconvenient to visit thumbnails and then click the arrow for deleting a page.
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Simplify notebook management
On the documents menu. Instead of pressing the down arrow to access submenu for move, copy and trash. Can this be replaced with left or right swipe to offer the same options.
Instead of pressing the tick to open select all notes options Could this happen if you long press any note?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?