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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8814 results found

    1. When viewing a book or document in landscape mode, make sure to view it two pages at a time.
      1. Open the outline (table of contents) in a pop-up window so that you can see it as the text. (Please fix the window so that it does not disappear when you touch a part of the table of contents.)
      2. In addition to bookmarking the page, please allow the user to bookmark the content of the text. (I wish I could see the list of bookmarks in the table of contents, and if you touch that part, please go to the text.)
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  1. When using ‘open in new window’, a preset functionality where you can choose to open a document with certain another document, or from another folder.

    Ex I want to open notes w/ my textbook. But it is a pain to go to another folder to open my notes every time I change my textbook for another subject

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  2. Similar to the other invisible ink request, but with a twist. An ink that only shows on the iPad, so that a person can create fill-in the blank notes that don't show the answers to people watching on a remote monitor, or freehand drawings live, drawing over previously created lines, giving the illusion to the audience or recording that the freehand drawing is being done from scratch. Kind of like a painting over light pencil marks, but in this case, the pencil can only be seen on the iPad, not on the monitor or quicktime recording that the iPad is…

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  3. I'd like to see a native page option lined for calligraphy, italics or drafting/art with oblique vertical lines. Now that I know how to import one (attached here from that's helpful too but I'd guess there are others I haven't even thought of who would also benefit from an oblique template.

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    1. The Lasso tool should work for multiple pages to be converted from hand-writing to text.

    2. If I write from the very top to the very bottom of the page, the Lasso tool is unable to enclose the entire page !

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  4. Handwriting style templates with the broken and unbroken grey lines to help structure letter height, both upright and slanted to help with letter formation and narrower grids and smaller lined sheets

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  5. Independent adjustment of the corner points of the drawn shapes (as in notability)

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  6. The text is too long (take screenshot, resize, color...).
    Instead, show icons. Most these keywords have agreed icons (copy, cut, delete, color, resize).

    At least, when viewing two notebooks open side by side, showing icons in a must because one cannot even see the whole lasso menu, making choosing an action even more time consuming.

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  7. It would be a great addition to the app if you, make it to where you press something to get to notebooks or when you have just a quick note you press something to get there. Where the notebooks are is not organized or appealing. I feel you should press something to get there but opening right up to it. it feels cluttered and not organized.

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  8. 1 vote
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  9. Instead of the new mirror mode and presentation mode, the old display button should come back since multiple apps can be used w/o the screen shifting and allows more control during presentations. I lecture in front of 1~200 people and use a mixture of apps.

    I need the control so that I can seamlessly zoom in and out on key info without making people feel sick and use apps without having to readjust the screen all the time. Afterall, this is an app for the ipad.

    Everything is done thru finger input and pen so the current mode is not…

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  10. The lasso tool grabs either the picture or the converted text, unpredictably. Using it with other apps (Keynote presentation), the sketch is what I want, the text is unusable. A choice from the right click would be a smart solution, “copy, graphic” or “copy, converted”

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  11. on iOS version, after selecting test, I would like a shortcut to search for other instances of this text string.

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  12. 1 vote
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  13. Right now, the maximum pen size is only 2mm. It would be nice we could have a way bigger size limit like all the way up to 1cm for example.

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  14. I keep waiting for someone to replicate the Newton MessagePad. You’re getting there, but here are some things I would love you to add:
    - treat handwritten text more like a word processor treats type. I should be able to select streams of words just as I would in a word processor by dragging across the line or block with an i-bar pointer, and then cut, copy, delete. And do wrapping like a word processor too.
    - Have the option for having those blocks of handwritten text in a basic outliner, with drag and drop of points, indenting and outdenting,…

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  15. I study medicine, so I would love to be able to draw out a human outline, and then nest my notes and link them together i.e. a click on the heart would then link to my notes on heart pathophysiology

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  16. In order to change the aspect ratio of the little zoom box (by changing the height of the big zoom box), I have to do two things: move the top bar up, then move the bottom bar down to get the wrist guard out of the way. I don't use the wrist guard at all (I rest my wrist on the table), so I don't want to adjust its size. It would be much, much better if the default was that the top bar moved independently of the bottom bar, so that I could enlarge the zoom box in one…

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  17. Being able to decide what icons are included with the tool bar would be a great way to clean up the look. I noticed the camera icon and mini photo icon do virtually the same thing.

    I think it would be great to remove one and have the interface look less cluttered or even replace with possible future actions/icons

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  18. A template with squares so we can draw our own comics would be great!

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