Color picker tool, enabling to add color of TEXT to presets, show the actual hex color code
I text a lot and I also like to keep the color tone of my notes but the app doesn’t have the feature to add the color to presets for the text function. It also could be more convenient if there’s the color picker tool so I can keep the tone of my notes whenever I text or write. Lastly, I notice that the hex code of the color is ALWAYS #FFEEFF. As I said before, GoodNotes doesn’t have feature of setting text color to presets so I intent to remember the hex code instead but it’s still FFEEFF... I can fix the problem by using copy-paste but it might be more professional if the app has the color picker tool and can add color of text to presets (If only 2 features are added, showing the hex code may not be necessary). Thank you.

Jenn Rivera commented
We really need the ability to add preset hex codes for text box. My handwriting isn’t very good so I prefer to use text boxes instead so I can keep my planner neat. Please add this feature!!! - pen and highlighter have it so it should be easy.
Seval Özen commented
It's really frustrating that such a obvious step has been missed. Why is adding your own color palette for Pen and Textmarker possible but isn't for the Text function? It's truly saddening for people like me who use it a lot.
Md commented
For those working with lots of text box, its painfull to color them with hex.
Why can't it be added to color plate as preset (like you did for pen color plate) -
Carolyn Smith commented
I came to request the color picker too! Hopefully this happens soon!
Petra Lassen commented
I really really miss a colour picker!
Anonymous commented
Yep missing for text sucks big time
Anonymous commented
I want text color presets so badly! Color coding is one of my most used tools for pens & highlighters, bums me out not to be able to use it for text too.