Justified text
I would like GoodNotes to have the justified text option

Thomas commented
Dai implementatelo padri e madri delle notes
Martina Agata Licata commented
I need this option so bad, all the notes just seem so uneven and it’s terrible when it comes to study
Julienne André commented
Pouvoir justifier le texte sur Goodnotes.
Willr7000 commented
I write a journal and create content that can look like an article or media copy when full justified. To do this I must go to Word, do a copy and paste but can only see a screen capture of the justified text. It cannot be edited in GoodNotes.
Sagnik Dey commented
It should have proper text styling features, justification and also I want to mention the fact that it lacks the option to use bullet points in a list.
Yasemin Bakir commented
Goodnotes I beg u I need this so much
Tomás Bórquez commented
I dont know why good notes dont have that option. We need it now please:(
Lori Lombardo commented
For my application, I must have justified margins. That is an industry standard for most tourist processing applications. I am very surprised GoodNotes does not offer that option.
İrem Berna Güven commented
I like the look better and sometimes i use goodnotes for writing reports and it is mandatory to justify text. I also really appreciate a ruler
Anonymous commented
I need to use other apps because Goodnotes don´t have fully justified text option. It´s a must because in too many countries requires this tipe of justification to official documents.
milad aghajohari commented
I want to be able to justify my text. I use goodnotes now for note taking and I am thinking to switch to onenote just because of this simple thing. Don't make me do it!
Aleksander Heyerdahl commented
This! I write a lot on the keyboard and love this app so much for its flexibility. For some users, this is a must.
Camille Fontaine commented
YES PLEASE it’s almost outrageous that it’s not already the case
David Psalms commented
Please provide this option for all the typed text, as well as converted text from handwritten notes. it helps a lot for neat UI and to take printout
Victor Juarez commented
Please 😭😭
Anonymous commented
its close to full blown word processor, justifying text alignment would be a big step forward!
Anonymous commented
edward sia commented
Please add justified text option for christ's sake. it's 2020. i need it so bad. thank you
Reign Centeno commented
Pls pls I need it so much
Anonymous commented
I need this as well!