Ruler and compass
Good notes should include a ruler and compass. Especially for engineering students like me.
MK commented
Hello this file below is explaining the dots ruler.
And I think It should add more style like “-“ or star. -
Mvds commented
Please add a ruler! I need to measure the physical length of the lines I draw. I’m doing this now by using a physical ruler on top of my iPad screen, which is ridiculous.
Hunter Hendrickson commented
Hold pen to straighten feature would be SO useful. Plus, Shapes tool with vertices that leave it manipulatable and show degrees.. a whole new world!
Anonymous commented
Yes, a Ruler (like in iOS13 Notes) and a Compass for drawing Circles (or parts of it) would be awesome. It´s not only to have the straight lines and the circles, but to see these tools in presentation-mode when using them! I‘m a math-teacher and use Goodnotes in class.
Eduardo Ayres Soares commented
Yes, please!
Eduardo Ayres Soares commented
Yes, please. Love the Apple Notes ruler. Sincerely, I don't like the Goodnotes shape tool
Mel commented
Please... just add the ruler! So many already asking.. pretty please?! Need one so badly to perfect this app!!!
Sad commented
Almost 2020 and still don’t have a simple ruler... please add that feature already.
Bert commented
Apple said they have an API for the new tools in the notes app. They should port that over
Anonymous commented
Having some sort of ruler, controllable with fingers of one hand while the pen is used in the other, as in real life, would be a definite benefit.
Wei Sheng commented
Would be great if there would be a ruler available that shows the accurate length even when you zoom in and out
Anonymous commented
Apple's Notes app.
Anonymous commented
like apple Notes app.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Like apples notes app.
Anonymous commented
Ruler and triangle ruler and compasses!
Anonymous commented
An triangle ruler and compasses would be awesome too!
Anonymous commented
Yes I need ruler, triangle ruler and compasses!
Anonymous commented
The ruler in iPad OS 13 Notes is so great, It would be so nice to have it in GoodNotes!
An triangle ruler or compasses would be also great! -
Felix Maurer commented
I love Goodnotes 5 and I do all my stuff for studying with this app. But a ruler is what I really miss. I‘am studying mechanical engeneering and I often work with straight lines and angles, so a ruler which can display the value of the angle I want to draw would be perfect.
Just have a look at the latest notes app from iPadOS 13.