Nudge and/or ‘snap to grid’ option when moving selections
As someone with hand tremors, it is difficult to get things like text boxes and pictures and doodles into position easily. It would be nice if I could select an item, move it close to the desired position, then nudge it up/down/left/right with the arrows on the keyboard.
- I know tapping on the screen deselects, so I am not sure how to accomplish this with gestures when there isn’t a keyboard... maybe drag the selection with one finger and hold down another finger to allow you to tap outside the selection to nudge it in that direction...
The option to drag grid lines from the top or sides and snap selections to those lines would work as well. (Plus, if there are default grid line layouts we could choose from that will snap text- even separate boxes- to standard notebook paper, that would be awesome!)
scamper commented
Totally agree with this. Procreate, for example, has a great nudge feature. The only thing I would add to the above (at the risk of diluting this feedback) is an “align” feature. Nudging, snapping, and alignment usually work together.