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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8881 results found

  1. Don't always download files from iCloud and then load them back into Goodnotes. Where is the sense? Direct folder linking from iCloud folders in GoodNotes 5 would improve the work process enormously. For example, open PDF files directly and edit them in GN and then close them with one click and everything is saved in iCloud again.

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  2. Give the option to customise folders through colours and maybe even icons and emojis that can be put over the folder for our subjects. It would make navigating a lot faster as we can see instantly where we want to go instead of relying on the smaller folder text.

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  3. For students it may be necessary print anotations that they made in goodnotes.

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  4. I would love to see an add feature to outlines where one would be able to make folders/subdivisions … for example I can create and outline for chapters in a text book, then creat subdivisions for each section of the chapter (I.e., chapter 1 dropdown menu 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc…)

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  5. When the documents get to big and I need to scroll fast, most times I don't know the page number to jump to, I'd rather like to be able to scroll quickly.

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  6. We need to be able to skip to the audio part that we need by clicking on the writing that has been written at that moment. The feature already exist on notability and collanote. Thank youuu

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  7. To import or export pdf files takes too many touches to perform. I would say Notability has mastered this.
    Being able to export to more than 1 apps. As of the moment to export a file, the file will compile all the pages and will only allow you to export to one applications, and if you want to export the same file with the compiled pages to another app you have to repeat the process and compile the pages again.
    - It would be great if you would keep the menu to export until we want to exit out of…

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  8. "Any Notebook that includes audio can be shared with a friend making it easy for them to listen back and follow your notes at the same time with Note Replay."

    This should also include the possibility of sharing your notes and recordings to other devices as separate files. I recorded a lecture today, and I assumed that this feature was also available. When I use Notability, I am able to share both the recording and notes as separate files to my Mac.

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  9. 4 votes

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  10. When trying to draw sine waves I end up with a triangle type wave or an oval, would love to see support for more shapes

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  11. It would be very useful to be able to temporarily hide folders or documents.
    When in school or in Uni we often have a lot of different subjects, thus it would be handy to be able to hide the ones that are currently not used to make the "document" page more organized without having to permanently delete the unused documents.

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  12. I use one document for my work. And each day I need diferent pages. Now I need to delete all bookmarks and prepare bookmarks for another day. If I could do this preparation in advance for all the days with diferent packs of bookmarks, it would save lot of time.

    Using outlines doesn't work for this need.

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  13. Turning the highlighter marks into pen colors (this will obscure the text, which is what I need) allows me to temporarily hide the key word and turn them into fill-in-the-blank questions that I can memorize

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  14. This feature (see attached) renders the option to toggle images on/off via the lasso tool useless. Instead, any tap on any image regardless of the tool being used will allow the image to move. This feature might be ok if image locking ever becomes an option, but for now it’s extremely frustrating when you’re working with layered images.

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  15. I study Economics, and I wish that I don't have to draw the charts and other drawings all from scratch each time. If there was a place where I can draw it once and assign it under a specific name then when I want to plug it in, I just write the name I assigned it to it. That would save tons of time!

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  16. Trennung von Drehpunkt und Größenanpassung.
    Aktuell ist es kaum möglich ein markiertes Objekt zu drehen ohne dass dabei die Größe verändert wird.
    In der Version 4 waren die Funktionen getrennt, was einfach optimaler war. Ist es in Version 5 vielleicht auch möglich die Funktionen wieder zu trennen?
    Nachdem ein eingefügtes Element um 90Grad gedreht wird, rastet es nicht bei 90Grand ein sondern bei ca. 89 oder 91Grad. Das geschieht nicht, wenn das Objekt mit dem Lasso markiert und gedreht wird. Lässt sich das optimieren?

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  17. Pretty basic and I can't believe it doesn't work yet. If I have to read through a document on MacOS I need the PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN buttons to work please.

    Thank you!

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  18. Make it so I can set which groups of elements I would see in which notebooks. Along with color presets and line widths. If I am in my budget planner I would like to see different elements than with my daily planner. I also use different width pens and different colors. Rather than seeing long lists.

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  19. Add functionality for using the "auto backup" function to OneDrive for Business with linked folders of a SharePoint site as backup destination instead of only subfolders within the user's OneDrive.

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  20. I often want to convert notes arranged in a hierarchical structure to text, but I need to recreate the hierarchy (bullet points, indentation, etc.) when doing the conversion. It would be very useful the text conversion could interpret the hierarchy of the handwriting as a whole and maintain the structure in the conversion.

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