8831 results found
lock object option, grouping colors, and color picker.
We should be able to make color palettes for our pen colors to make the colors easier to find. Also, we need an option to lock objects like images and handwriting . As well as, a color picker, It is the biggest hassle to try and find a perfect match to a color. :) thank you!
51 votes -
Make Goodnotes Flashcards good enough to Replace ANKI!
Would really appreciate if the flashcard feature becomes much more versatile like anki.
A few suggestions are
1. Show number of Flashcard left for the day
2. Integrate several files to form one Flashcard deck without hampering their current progress
4. Customising which cards I would like to see first.Basically a lot of anki inspired stuff that could help us replace anki cards with handwritten goodnotes cards. Thanks a lot!
51 votes -
Scaling of line thickness
I wish I had the ability to select a line and change just the thickness of the line (just like you can color). I often draw things and realize the object it too big or small. When I change the size of what I drew, it changes the thickness as well. I'll often misjudge how something looks and not realize the lines are all too narrow or too thick. This would allow me to select them and change them to a new thickness (much like you can color) without changing the size of the object.
Several years ago, there were…
51 votes -
Colors in toolbar
When pen or highlighter is selected, the possible colors should appear in the top toolbar for easy switching. In order to keep it uncluttered, only 5 colors are visible in the toolbar. The rest of the colors are available via the current method of long pressing the pen/highlighter.
51 votes -
Funktion to Fill Geometric structures.
I Need a Lot of Time to Fill out Geometric structures like Triangels for example. A function to Fill them out or just hatch them. with only one Click Would make it Easy and more productive.
51 votes -
Enhance the Geometry button!
I love being able to draw lines, circles, ovals and squares. But I use the app all the time to draw out some graphs and ideas that require more geometry.
We could enhance the Geometry button with these great ideas:
・Let us draw curved lines!!!
・When it's turned on, and you draw a square or circle, you can afterwards enlarge it like you would be able to do with an image.
・After we've drawn a curved line allow us to stretch the angle, change the curve here and there!51 votes -
Search for the highlighter
I use highlighter for marking my notes, if it's possible to search the highlighter, that'll be quite helpful for study. Thx!
51 votes -
A ruler to help draw lines
Is it possible to create a ruler to help draw lines at any angle at controlled length? And to measure the size of an object in the PDF file? I use goodnotes to review civil drawings since confinement. Thanks in advance!
50 votes -
Basic text formatting
GoodNotes has become my default note taking app. However, there are times when I need to work with text but typing directly onto the page. Please include basic text formatting (i.e., bold, italics, underline, bullet list, etc.) in the future.
50 votes -
More flexible zoom window and area
I use zoom window for all my writing. It allows me to keep my hand in one place and see most of the screen while writing. Currently zoom window is very rigid: it has a fixed aspect ration, limited zoom factor, fixed position and size at bottom of screen. Adding some features would make it a much better tool.
- Allow to choose both length and width of zoom window (flexible aspect ration) upto half half screen;
- Allow to zoom starting from 1x magnification;
- Make the border of zoom window 1 pixel wide to distract less from what is actually on…
50 votes -
Save multiple text box presets
Save multiple text box presets
Sometimes when text input is used.
It's too troublesome to adjust the style, font size and color of the text box back and forth.
For example, if you want to use the writing of headline, subtitle and body part, you can't switch quickly
Now that you can save the style as the default, why not add more save fields.
Switch quickly like a pen49 votes -
Colour copy Pipette
When I pick a random colour from the circle and overwrite it later with an other colour, it is very annoying if I can‘t pick the exact same colour later again. Ehen we have such a colour Pipette it would make things a lot easier and I don‘t have to mark every single colour I use as favourite. Also this way I could pick existing colours from a pdf.
Thank you c:(Example from Procreate)
49 votes -
Markdown support in Mac and iPad version
As a developer I would love to have the ability to use markdown on the Mac app for more natural writing flow. And perhaps some more natural Mac feeling when editing files. Like the use of keyboard shortcuts for deselecting a text box (eg. esc)
49 votes -
lasso tool duplicate
Please add the feature to duplicate a drawing/item made with the shapes tool so I don't have to draw it again.
49 votes -
close all open tabs option
On goodnotes 4 tabs would close when you restart the app. But on goodnotes 5 the tabs remain open and it is very annoying to have to close the tabs one by one. Please add an option to close all currently open tabs.
Also I agree with another feature someone else mentioned to have pinnable tabs like google chrome.
49 votes -
Put pen/highlighter/erase icons in toolbar of zoom window
Place the pen or highlighter icon in toolbar within the zoom window to allow easier access to changing colors or erasing while using the zoom window.
49 votes -
Change Thumbnail Size
Please provide the option to change the thumbnail size of the documents and the pages in the documents.
50 votes -
Shape correction
It would be nice if there were an option to autocorrect shapes. If I really want a diamond (decision) shape, but didn't draw a perfect shape, it'd be nice if there were a way for me to indicate I want autocorrection to adjust the angles so it's perfect. Same goes for circles, squares and rectangles (right angle correction). An example of this concept is how Paper does this, though my preference is to use GoodNotes. :)
49 votes -
Clickable links
Create clickable links to telephone numbers, web sites,...
Sorry for my bad English.
Un saludo desde Spain.49 votes -
Please add the Swedish language
We are many students who take notes in Swedish, please add it as an option
48 votes
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