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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8789 results found

  1. I mainly use typing through text boxes and use multiple fonts.

    Previously, there was a feature where recently used fonts were displayed at the top and could be changed to that font when pressed, but this feature disappeared after an update.

    Currently, it only shows the recently used fonts, so if I want to change to that font, I have to find it again.

    I really hope this feature will be restored again.

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  2. As an secure organisation, we only allow Apple Volume purchase program (VPP) apps as per

    Since the public app store is not allowed in our managed iOS / iPAD OS devices, can you provide a feature such as sign in for the paid subscription to the VPP apps version of Good Notes.

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  3. I would like an option to edit, remove and customise text like in Adobe or pdf gear so that we can use only goodnotes for all work related stuff.

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  4. When starting up the app on the Mac, the window always has the same size.
    So, always the first action is to resize it, so I can see my relevant folders.
    If the app would just keep the size across restarts, it would be a more fluent work experience.

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  5. Angesichts der knappen Frist für meine Dissertation brauchte ich dringend professionelle Hilfe. Ich fand und beschloss, es zu versuchen. Die zertifizierten Ghostwriter waren hoch qualifiziert und lieferten eine Dissertation, die gründlich recherchiert und hervorragend geschrieben war. Dank der Hilfe von wirschreiben to any student habe ich meine Dissertation fristgerecht und mit einem hervorragenden Ergebnis abgeschlossen. Ich würde wirschreiben jedem Studenten, der mit knappen Fristen und anspruchsvollen Projekten konfrontiert ist, wärmstens empfehlen.

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  6. Hello, I would like to transfer the passages in the text that I have marked with the highlighter into a summary. The summary should work in the same way as in the LiquidText or MargineNote 4 program.

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  7. Wat is ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT is een baanbrekende conversationele AI-assistent ontwikkeld door OpenAI. Het maakt gebruik van geavanceerde natuurlijke taalverwerkingstechnologie om menselijke gesprekken op een natuurlijke manier na te bootsen. Met een enorme kennisdatabase kan ChatGPT relevante en overzichtelijke antwoorden geven op vragen over talloze onderwerpen.

    De Kracht van ChatGPT Nederlands biedt de unieke Nederlandse versie van ChatGPT, speciaal geoptimaliseerd voor de Nederlandse taal en cultuur. Dit betekent dat het uitzonderlijk goed presteert in het begrijpen van wat Nederlandse gebruikers zeggen of schrijven, en kan reageren met nauwkeurige en gepaste antwoorden in perfect Nederlands.

    Waarom ChatGPT Nederlands Zo Revolutionair Is

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  8. Sunumların Önemi
    Sunumlar, iş dünyasında, eğitimde ve birçok alanda fikirlerinizi paylaşmanın ve izleyicilerle etkileşim kurmanın etkili bir yoludur. Ancak, standart yazı tiplerini kullanarak hazırlanan sunumlar sıkıcı ve sıradan görünebilir. İşte bu noktada, sunumlarınızı farklılaştırmanıza ve göz alıcı hale getirmenize yardımcı olacak bir platform: ile Sunumlarınızı Özelleştirin, binlerce farklı yazı stili seçeneği sunar. Bu platform sayesinde sunumlarınızın başlıklarını ve metinlerini özgün ve dikkat çekici bir şekilde özelleştirebilirsiniz.
    Göz Alıcı Başlıklar
    Başlıklar, sunumlarınızın en önemli bölümlerinden biridir.'da bulunan farklı yazı stilleri, başlıklarınızı göz alıcı hale getirecektir. Örneğin, kalın, renkli veya havalı yazı stilleri kullanarak başlıklarınızı vurgulayabilirsiniz.
    Okunabilir Metinler…

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  9. Hey there, fellow dog lovers! If you're smitten with the adorable charm of teacup poodles , you're probably wondering how long these pint-sized companions grace our lives with their presence. Let's dive into the lifespan and longevity of teacup poodles, the factors that influence it, and how to ensure your furry friend enjoys a long, happy, and healthy life.

    Teacup Poodles: A Lifespan Overview
    Teacup poodles, like their standard and miniature counterparts, generally enjoy a good lifespan. On average, you can expect your teacup poodle to live between 12 and 15 years. However, some lucky pups have been known to…

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  10. I’m loving the flashcard feature so far, but I have a friend that uses another app that let him to allocate photos and text in the same card and i thought this ideia would improve a lot my studies, and another suggestion that i have in mind is to allow the share feature in the flash cards, because i would like to have a group of studies with my colleagues, tks!

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  11. Make a long press on the touch sensitive part of the Apple Pencil bring up a quick toolbar to change colour or tool (pen, highlighter, select) similar to squeeze on Apple Pencil pro

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  12. Hello, everyone! I'm interested in the area of cryptocurrency licenses. I'm planning to start a crypto project, but I've heard that you need a license to operate legally in some countries. I'm not sure how to start or where to get one. Can anyone suggest specialists or firms that can assist with this process? Any advice would be highly appreciated.

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  13. Presentation mode is helpful, and I like the laser pointer. However, I would truly appreciate it if we had a quick access 'clear page' that's available, especially in Presentation mode so that we can annotate while teaching and just quickly add notes ⇒ removing them instantly when done.

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  14. After like 30 seconds scrolling with the trackpad turns into zoom. This makes scrolling basically unusable.

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  15. I want to refer to the full form of these abbreviations, as these abbreviations are used in every page. I have to switch to this page after reading every line later as the abbreviations are used frequently. If I could attach a note of these abbreviations with the full forms which would be displayed on every page, so it would become easier for me to refer to the full forms.

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  16. Please add support to import and view documents.
    It would appreciated the modify option too

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  17. I’m developing a keen interest in online shopping, especially as I study marketing and its related areas. I’ve found that there are many intricacies and big names in the online retail world. Can someone guide me on where to start learning?

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  18. Hello... You can add the feature of sharing the audio recordings that are recorded in the program because it is very necessary for every user + and there is a small problem that when I change the location of the file, the audio recording stops working... Thank you.

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  19. As a example if I need to move a texted content using lasso tool it doesn’t work

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  20. I think it would be very helpful to be able to scan more than 24 documents in one sitting. Especially for those who are scanning textbook pages that are longer than 24 pages. It would make it much easier than having to scan 24 at a time.

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