2259 results found
finger and penil bugg
After Opening a File, your finger will draw until, you your draw with your pencil, maybe this is only temporarie , because you cant select anywhere if you want to draw with pencil or finger, so far as i know
5 votes -
Ability to move handwritten text from one page to the other
When I moved my handwritten text using lasso tool to the previous page, my text disappeared.
2 votes -
Beta Change Log
It'd be helpful if there was a dated change log somewhere with all the features being added, when an update has been released and features currently in development. This would be especially useful for users like me who haven't used goodnotes before.
E.g. apparently I should be able to import files now (android user - admin comment from 3rd March) but the last version in the Google store is dated Feb 15th and I still can't import documents. Had this actually been pushed out yet? If not, when can it be expected and why wasn't this covered in the update…
6 votes -
When will the final version be launched?. Assuming i start to work on beta will i be given option to move the files to final version. Will the final version be PWA or offline ??
3 votes -
Images disappearing from notebook
Whenever I insert image to my notebook, they just disappear or more specifically become invisible. When I clicked the part where I pasted the image using insert the image option, then only I can see it and when I click any other option like pen, eraser, it again disappears. This can be solved by refreshing GoodNotes, but I can't refresh every time I insert an image.
3 votes -
Needs better latenecy when S Pen makes contact on screen to write. Not all words are shown to be written.
3 votes -
horizontal switch of the pages
It would be a game changer to have this feauture expecially for journal, planner ecc. Becouse it seems more natural, more similar to the reality. Thank you :)
5 votes -
페이지를 잘못 추가 했을때 지우는 방법이 나와 있지 않나 사용에 어려움이 있고 펜의 색상을 추가 하는곳이 밖에 나와 있어 찾기도 어렵고 살짝 불편했습니다. 하지만 책커버 부분에서 원하는 디자인이 있어 기뻤고 가로세로 버전이있어 편리했습니다.또한 페이지를 볼 때 다른 페이지가 보여 살짝 정신이 없었고 필기 하는 부분에 있어서 상짝 거슬렸습니다. 오늘 처음 사용해보는 거지만 정식으로 나오면 자주 이용할 것 같고 필기 하는 부분에 있어서는 다른 앱보다는 편한것 같습니다.
2 votes -
Any updates
honestly i feel like the android version was abandoned midway, i only need one or more updates, like the text box, to be able to use the app regularly, but that update never arrives, it's frustrating and makes me want to get another one app
3 votes -
손글씨 타자로 변환
아이패드에서 쓰듯 손글씨로 쓰게되면 내 글씨체 보다 더 좋은 가독성이높아지므로 앱을 사용할때 더 유용히 쓰일것 같다.
3 votes -
like to have all the features on ios to be on the windows because the beta version doesn't help as much since I cant take proper notes
I would like for the beta version to have all the is features, like the image import, shape text, and the zoom window for sure as the beta version is really not helpful to write notes, but it is a great start! Just hoping for to use a more beneficial app like the ios one.
7 votes -
blocco della pagina mentre si scrive, così da poter appoggiare la mano sullo scermo mentre si scrive srnza far spostare la pagina
blocco della pagina mentre si scrive, così da poter appoggiare la mano sullo scermo mentre si scrive srnza far spostare la pagina
2 votes -
Più come ios
Più colori, scrittura con tastiera simile a word come nella versione per ios
1 vote -
Habilitar opciones de grosor en lapiz y sensibilidad
Se podría habilitar la opción de cambiar el grosor de los lápices y a su vez mejorar la sensibilidad de este ya que presenta retrasosa la hora de escribir y borrar, también que se puedan abrir pdfs o cuadernos digitales. Permitir la opción de que presionando el botón del Samsung pen se pueda borrar algún escrito o trazo realizado para que así sea más rápido y no tener que estar a cada segundo seleccionando la goma de borrar
6 votes -
Fix the ui
The bar at the top is better removed and the double tap thingy for the pen settings bar is annoying we need not to it in or out. When using the spen's button shortcut it does a weird thing it wouod be so much better if we can customize what it would do.
6 votes -
오류가 너무 많이 떠요....
1 vote -
Run more smoothly
The App should run more smoothly so that you can work more properly
4 votes -
problem loading old files
It failed to open .goodnotes files from my iPad and says "unsupported document". Then I tried loading them in PDF formats but there were bugs when I tried to add a new page in that PDF file. It does not add a new plank page and duplicate the last page instead. Also, all became non-editable on Windows even when I set them as editable PDFs during export.
5 votes -
create URL to visualize a entire PDF
it would be usefull to have a metod to export a PDF with a URL and also to have the option of EDIT that PDF
2 votes -
Samsung Multi-Window Drag and Drop/Copy paste/smart select
You should be able to split screen apps on the Tab S9 and smart select a portion of the screen, and 'drag and drop' the smart selected image, like on J notes, or Samsung notes, or OneNote, (I think every other note taking app allows it). It just says copy paste not functionable in chrome...
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?