2251 results found
3,930 votes
Ability to use multiple documents side by side as tabs (similar to ios version)
Ability to use multiple documents side by side as tabs (similar to ios version)
2,823 votesThanks for your feedback. This is a planned feature which is under consideration now. Stay tuned!
Create tables
Being able to create tables like with word, google docs or most other word processing apps out there. You should be able to choose the number of rows and columns you have.
1,599 votes -
the ability to change fonts, to convert handwriting into fonts, to add personal photos to folder covers, more pen options and a voice record
the ability to change fonts, to convert handwriting into fonts, to add personal photos to folder covers, more pen options and a voice recording feature should be added in short, most of the features in iOS
25 votes -
Lacks features found already on IOS version
Desired Improvements:
1- Change text font (and supports all languages)
2- Organize pen colors
3- Add pen colors in the bar (more than three as default)
4- Improve laser option (it's not a laser.. it must be more faded not just a white line inside a red one)
5- Unlimited file import size
6- Add stroke settings (Dashed, Doted..)
7- Add ruler34 votes -
Make it less laggy
so ive tried it out and my convertible laptop is dying inside. it doesnt write smoothly and everything needs 3 seconds to render. my laptop is doing fine so i dont understand why its so laggy and why is it an edge based app... i think a normal app will improve it so well since basic tools are missing like photos and stickers and even writing text! 🥺 there is so much stuff thats missing even if its a beta version! youre doing great but its the minimum we can ask for
1,410 votes -
Find Handwritten Text
In the Windows Web version, there is no option to Search and Find Handwritten text, unlike in Ipad. Looking forward to this update.
1,347 votes -
AI Integration: Incorporate AI-powered features, such as handwriting recognition, smart note suggestions, or summarization tools, to enhance productivity.
10 votes -
Handwritting to Math Converter
You should be able to convert your handwriting to math like with Notability. When you write a note and hit convert, a math option should come up so you can simply convert your handwriting into proper typed math symbols.
1,269 votes -
make goodnotes a native android app
goodnotes being a web app on both android and windows makes it much more laggy and the delay is much more noticable. it would improve the user experience if it was finally converted to a native app.
14 votes -
Voice recording that syncs up with your notes
Please add this, its so important for any student or anyone else who has to take notes while in meetings or lectures. It should work like in Notability. You should be able to press a record button create an audio recording where you can click on a section that you wrote or typed and it will skip to the part of the recording that it's in.
1,059 votes -
Bring font customization and iOS features to all platforms
GoodNotes on Windows, Android, and Web needs font customization and more features available on iOS. Adding these would make the experience more consistent and user-friendly across all devices. Many users would appreciate having the same tools and personalization options regardless of the platform.
9 votes -
PDF link
Allow embeded hyperlinks in a PDF to work in Windows version
64 votes -
make it an app
make it so it is an actuall app and not a webapp (and then everything can be stored locally so stickers work oflline, the same with all of the document because now it takes a long time to load everything in when i open a document=
9 votes -
Zoom tool and other considerations
I would like to have the zoom tool that creates a square that zoom in and allows you to write in this zoomed section (like the one that exist in the iOS app).
789 votes -
More tools would be amazing!
Using stamps/emojis would be nice, along with having an option to use dot points to make note taking easier. A ruler would be a must have for myself as I like to structure my page a certain way when studying. Maybe adding a stabiliser tool to make lines stiffer when writing.
630 votes -
Stop developing for Windows as a Web app
Making GoodNotes for Windows a Web app by simply dumping it through Swift to WASM immediately makes the app use significantly more resources and hinders the overall experience and battery life, causing pen inputs to have a significant delay and require online connectivity, etc. This kind of experience is NOT what you would want your users on an ipad to use, so why Windows?
Like you did for iOS, please make GoodNotes for Windows a native Windows App instead of a PWA. This mess is NOT the path your team should be going down.
585 votes -
More than 3 colors on the toolbar
There can only be 3 colors on the tool bar. If you could make it where we can increase that amount, like on iOS, or at least give us 5-8 instead of 3, my life would be complete.
6 votes -
Search feature in Android
Search tool to be able search notebooks for keywords and titles like iPad app. This is essential for me to use this app in android.
7 votes -
Backup your Notes with OneDrive
Im using OneDrive for most of my Study-Backups and have already set it up on all my devices. I would love to use it aswell to backup all my notes with OneDrive.
576 votes
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