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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



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287 results found

  1. Allow embeded hyperlinks in a PDF to work in Windows version

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  2. PDF import with Google Drive doesn't work yet!

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  3. I am able to upload pdf but writing on pdf is slow and some texts are slow to load. This occurs even after compressing pdf file to smaller file size.

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  4. When scrolling trough a big pdf file >300 pages, every page takes pretty long to load and lags a lot when scrolling .

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  5. Give the option to adjust the export settings, export single pages or a custom range to pdf, choose the name and location

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  6. Ability to insert a pdf for writing notes on it. For example: lecture slides

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  7. We are able to import PDF's from good notes Beta for windows. Now it would be very helpful after we have annotated that PDF, we are able to export the annotated PDF. This can be extremely helpful for students submits documents :)

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  8. Hello, I am a first time user to GoodNotes. When I heard that GoodNotes Beta was available on Windows, I immediatley grabbed my chance to try it out.

    As a student, PDFs are one of the most abundant resources for University materials. It would be very nice to be able to both edit PDF pages and add whole/speicific PDF pages either in between some pages in the notebooks or anywhere else in the notebook.

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  9. When leaving the pdf the page you were should be saved, so when redirecting into the pdf you can continue at the same page

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  10. it would be great, if it would be possible to isert multiple pdf into one document

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    • allow us to import/export PDFs while being able to edit them
    • make it possible to add new blank/checkered pages to PDFs
    • and many more

    Drawboard PDF is currently committing stupid mistakes with their recent updates. Capitalize on those quick and your app will become the #1 in the Windows market.

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    Users can create a new notebook by importing a PDF, or they can import a PDF into an existing notebook. Additionally, they can also export the notebook as a PDF file.

  11. When I have to send a friend just a part of the documantation then this would be very helpful. Like the titel says it would be cool if you can export single pdf or parts from the documantation.

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  12. save document as pdf on computer

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  14. I'm really happy to be able to import pdfs. One thing that I wish we had is the ability to add new blank pages onto pdfs we imported. So if I run our of apace, I can just add a new blank page between the pdf pages.

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  15. Right now, if you append a page to a notebook containing an imported PDF, the last page of the PDF will be duplicated, which does not make sense. The ability to add blank pages to PDFs would facilitate doing school work (using scripts, excercise files etc.) using GoodNotes more easily.

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  16. Japanese PDF made by latex couldn't be imported properly and most of japanese letters disappear. Its a big problem for Japanese students.
    Also, I found that lines in the bottom third or forth of PDF pages become thick than it should be when I opened the document for the first time after importing. since he thickeness become normal from the second time, it's not a big problem but I hope you could fix it.

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  17. I am not sure if this is doable currently but basically, I want to be able to select the texts on the pdf and perform some functions on this text. If you open a pdf using Adobe Acrobat and say you want to copy some texts on the slide. You could use the selection tool to do exactly that. Check the images attached to understand better what I am saying.

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  18. Not before making the note but after making I note, I hope I can add multiple pdf files in one note

    Or am I missing something?

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  19. I want to be able to click a file from the file explorer window, have it open in Goodnotes, and have all of my edits savable directly to the file in its location in the file explorer. This would be a useful feature for college students, academics, and anyone else who regularly reads PDF files.

    Otherwise Goodnotes needs some kind of file organization system rather than all of my potentially thousands of imported PDFs on the same scrollable page. I could make Goodnotes work if I could make a folder for every class or project.

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