2279 results found
Make the pages column in a notebook collapsible
I would love if the column within notebooks that has the pages listed/previewed could be collapsible. In portrait orientation, this gets in the way of the actual page displayed, and makes it harder to work in the left-hand most part of the page.
3 votes -
Be able to add notes beside an imported document
I like how one note allows you to write notes beside an imported document would be good if goodnotes did the same?
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Text Styling to allow ALL CAPS
Option to Write in ALL CAPS with Apple Pencil in GoodNotes Text Styling function
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Make sidebar move place when needed
Adjustable sidebar from left to right. For all the left handed writers among us. :)
4 votes -
the app doesn't work anymore after the last upgrade
I uninstalled and then reinstall again the app but nothing. after the last upgrade the app shows only a big white page. HELP
1 vote -
Link to editing with Windows and IPad does not work
Link to edit with Windows and IPad does not work: I can share a document from the IPad so I can see it on the Windows. However, the file is not updated, so if I write something in the document on the Windows, it is not visible on the IPad afterwards. Analogous in the other direction.
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Make the paper change colors (white to black vice versa).
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Post it notes
The possibility to add notes in a box, much like a post in in a sheet of paper
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The input lag after a few pages become too much !
After only one page for me become impossible continue to write on the app ... So i can't use it unfortunatly . I put also a video where is evident the problem . Please can you solve it ?
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Design and template
it is suprise that the version of android goodnotes is going to available for android users, but there are some feedback and problem on the design and template. First, for creating a new notebook, the image of the book cover is unclear and little bit vague, it is better to provide more clear version. Second, while in the book, for the pages, it is better to provide more size of the pen at a more accessible place, thus more time can be saved while changing the types of the pen. Third, it seems that the bar on the top is…
3 votes -
GoodNotes pour PC Windows 11
Bonjour, je suis professeur de maths . depuis quelques années que j'utilise GoodNotes sur ma tablette Ipad pro . J'aime bien cette application , elle me convient parfaitement. Maintenant j'ai un pc HP elitebook avec écran tactile , mais malheureusement cette application n'a pas toutes les fonctionnalités que celle que j'ai sur ma tablette. S'il vous plait si vous pouvez l'améliorer je serai très reconnaissant . Cordialement . Frédéric AFASSI
2 votes -
There is a bug, where the pen input isn't put on the page for ca. 5 sec. on a certain part of the page. Also there is a bug where the page seems to scroll to the top of the page randomly. The performance is relatively slow and when moving the page the background becomes blurry and takes 1 sec. to render.
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Use the iPad ad a graphics tablet for PC
The ability to use the iPad as a graphics tablet for PC. (using a larger monitor frontally would help me with back pain).
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Adicionar opção de focar no papel e nas canetas.
Ao entrar no caderno, o papel fica pequeno com tantas informações as esquerdas, poderia haver um menu em cima para escolher, e, enquanto digito, ficar apenas o papel e as canetas acima dimensionadas. De preferência centralizadas automaticamente. Isso é um problema com telas repartidas em que a aula esta em um lado da tela e o caderno em outra.
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3 votes
Being able to type
I think that you should be able to type on the document on the computer.
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Active capacitive stylus does not draw
I recently bought an active capacitive stylus cuz my old one was dying too quickly and I thought a battery powered one would be more suitable. Turns out goodnotes beta only registers my active capacitive stylus as a finger and does not draw, instead it just acts as if my finger would and only scrolls.
1 vote -
while importing the pdf , not enough space to write my own notes on sides, and there is no option to change the orientation of pdf
for example, I have a pdf in which content is in A4 size and not enough space to write my own notes on the sidelines, but if we are able to tilt the pdf from vertical to horizontal , then there will be enough space to write own notes on sidelines
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I am a Pastoral counselor and use Goodnotes V5 to store counselee and client data. As you might imagine, HIPPA is important to us all in the health care field and securing handwritten notes is paramount. Having encryption or two-factor authentication on iCloud data would be a very large and critical improvement. TIA, Chris
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Slow and steady updates
I am delighted to see Goodnotes finally available for Android after many years of waiting. It truly is an honour. I would really be looking forward to seeing the application improve feature by feature, month by month until the official full-fledged release on android when it would hopefully be on par with the iOS application. A few basic features which you can improve on already are : the ability to toggle on/off drawing with hand, the ability to use S-pen button as an eraser, the ability to use the different thicknesses (it is displayed, but doesn't work). The ability…3 votes
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