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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2274 results found

  1. Be able to collaborate with the iPad version of good notes in a windows pc

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  2. costume shortcut to scroll with while editing

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  4. 삼성노트에서 필기한 파일을 굿노트에 불러오고, 불러와진 파일을 편집 가능하게 해 주세요

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  5. 3 votes

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  6. Allow to change the position of the tools to the bottom or the top

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  7. Windows needs GoodNotes app becouse there'sn't a very complete application to takes notes on it. So please for teachers and students, we need more upgrades so as to have finally a very complete app to take notes. Have passed 10 days since the last upgrade , so please we need more :/

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  8. there are a lot of differrent stylus pens with different kind of buttons. adding a settings for mapping these buttons to diffrerent features like in concepts app would be realy good ıdea.

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  9. My s pen just move the page around. Just it works horizontally.

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  10. When I import a PDF file it uploads weirdly and you cannot read properly what it says. I have tried it with different PDFs and it is the same in each one of them. That is why I do not use it as often as I would like. It is bothersome.

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  11. 필기감이 베타 버전인데도 다른 모든 앱보다 좋아요. 그렇지만 아직 베타라 기능도 필기를 제외하면 없지만 정식 출시 때는 있을거라 크게 걱정은 안 합니다. 그렇지만 ios용처럼 거기에 있는 모든 기능이 정식 출시 때는 있었으면 좋겠네요. 그리고 인터넷을 통해 여는 것은 정말 불편해요. 와이파이나 셀룰러가 필요해서요. 이건 꼭 바꿔주세요.

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  12. Please allow goodnotes to view PDFs larger than 100MB.

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. 개발을 할 때 타기기 굿노트 사용자의 만족도가 가장
    높거나 자주 사용하는 기능들을 집중적으로 먼저 개발하고
    개발이 하나라도 됬다면,바로바로 업데이트를 할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다 :)

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  15. el trazo se ve bien pero falta agilidad a la hora de escribir, aun se ve muy rudimentario la app de IOS es perfecta

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  16. 쓴 거 다 날라갔어요ㅠㅠ
    딴 거를 지웠는데 완성된 게 자꾸 지워져요

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Use copy and paste other documents or images in the text for takegood examples when you studie.

    Can use links or similars ideas to use, and can dowload any pdf. more than iOS users

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  19. i see you, this week is full of good upgrades finally !!! we can now export in pdf thank you !! it remains the problem of the ink speed, it is too late for write well but i swear you will fix it asap !!!

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  20. Ich nutze es für die Schule und finde dies super, außer das es manchmal harkt.
    Außerdem wäre es super wenn man noch Dokumente einscannen und da drauf schreiben kann in einem Ordner.

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