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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2250 results found

  1. 안드로이드용 굿노트가 생긴것은 매우 좋습니다
    하지만 pdf 용량이 100mb를 넘으면 안되는 제한이 안좋고 삼성 탭의 s펜 버튼 기능이 눌러서 쓰면 지우개 기능을 하도록 하는것이 좋을거 같습니다.
    또한 지우개를 사용 하였을때 너무 버벅거리고 쓸때도 버벅거림이 있습니다
    최적화 되었으면 좋겠습니다

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  2. Idee zur Verbesserung: Das man sich mit dem Apple Konto bei Goodnotes auch anmelden kann, damit sich Goodnotes bei dem Apple Gerät und dem Android Gerät gegenseitig synchronisieren kann und man auf beiden Geräten alle seine Notizen hat. Außerdem fände ich es cool, wenn man Dokumente in ein bestehendes Dokument einfügen kann.

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  3. The Option to remove the structure on the luft side and use the paper in fullscreen

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  4. access to editing and saving documents belonging to online storage platforms such as drive, drobox etc.

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  5. when i try to add a blank page between two existing pages of an imported document(pdf) then instead of adding a blank page it adds the copy of that page pls fix this issue.

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  6. I'm really happy to be able to import pdfs. One thing that I wish we had is the ability to add new blank pages onto pdfs we imported. So if I run our of apace, I can just add a new blank page between the pdf pages.

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  7. Like to be able to create text boxes and type your words in them. And like allow them to overlap each other just like in good notes 5 for iOS.

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  8. Option for the lasso tool to select everything it touches or select only those things which are fully encircled. This will be beneficial for a lot of students who want to just select an element inside and outside a diagram but not the diagram itself.

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  9. I can see that the changes from my i-pad reflect on the windows loaded version of the shared notebook , however changes made on a shared notebook on windows is not going to the i-pad version.

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  10. I need the option to download my notebooks as a PDF to print them out. Also it would be nice to choose which size the paper has. For example DIN A4.

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  11. After using the beta version for a bit I have a few thoughts on the things that could be fix or added. Firstly the fixes:

    1) Bugs related to notebook rendering (it sometimes doesn’t show the things I wrote when I scroll up to see them)
    2) Speeding it up a bit (other apps run smoothly on my tablet but in GoodNotes Beta the pen has a bit of a lag)
    3) Talking about bugs – when I change the color of the page it doesn’t show up in the notebook (it’s still white)

    And additions that would be great:

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  12. When i marked my handwriting with the bola it would be great of beeing able to drag the marked part to another page.

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  13. I have a lenovo yoga laptop, and use a digital active pen for notetaking. I'm having issues with syncing pressing the barrel buttons for erasing and lasso tool respectively with the app. It takes exiting out of the notebook entirely for writing to be erased, for example.

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  14. The eraser is really laggy, at least on Android, an it is really annoying to use.

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  15. as good notes will eventually be used more often than onenote even on windos i suggest implementing an infinite canvas. It would not only attract more onenote users but it will also be more familiar for someone who already uses it extensively in note. In general i think many features of note should eventally come to good notes for PC. Also a feature to import and convert onenote files and if possible a better organisation of files just like onenote

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  16. I want to be able to scroll the page by just dragging near the side of the page.
    Alternatively, add a hand tool to grab and drag the page.

    This makes it easier when I'm using my pen without going to the keyboard arrows or scrollbar.

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  17. Slider to adjust eraser size and also for pen and pencil size. Speech to text integration and also handwriting to text recognition.

    While pinch in zoom inside the textbook, the pages should view in grid to easily jump to another page.

    Drag and drop pages should be considered in the notebook to easily move the page to desired place.

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  18. there is lag in image of imported document, when we zoom in or zoom out, the image or some of the letters in the pdf gets blurred... see the image and eraser has become laggy too.

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  19. 갤럭시 S펜 버튼으로 지우개를 쓸수 있으면 좋겠다.

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  20. After Opening a File, your finger will draw until, you your draw with your pencil, maybe this is only temporarie , because you cant select anywhere if you want to draw with pencil or finger, so far as i know

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