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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2281 results found

  1. It would be great to have more storage. I intend to use the app for all my university documents. :)

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  2. es wäre wirklich schön wenn man datein einscannen kann und hinterlegen kann. Außerdem hägt es manchmal wenn ich etwas lösche

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  3. Após adicionar uma imagem, seria de grande utilidade poder editar a imagem, como cortar somente uma parte da imagem, corte livre ou dimensionamento.
    Tive alguns problemas na troca de caneta, eu selecionava a caneta novamente para mudar e travava a tela, eu não conseguia nem trocar de caneta e nem escrever mais, só voltava a funcionar se eu saísse e abrisse novamente

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  4. Verry laggy and impossible to use. I need the text box function otherwise this this worthless to me.

    1 vote
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  5. Alle Funktionen von IOS
    Gerne dürfte die App genau wie bei IOS sein bzw die selben Funktionen enthalten

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  6. Compatibilidad entre las notas del IPAD y las notas de Windows.

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  7. 많이 끊기는거 고쳐주시고 레이져 기능도 넣어주세요

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  8. 더블클릭하면 확대되는기능좀 없애주세요

    1 vote
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  9. Having a select tool would allow you to click and then drag a stroke/object/shape rather than having to circle it with the lasso tool to drag it

    1 vote
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  10. Index in pdf must be thier so that we can directly jump on the pages of the chapters

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  11. it's impossible use the app on this way. This is an alpha application, not a beta.

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  12. At the moment the standard paper size is US letter. It would be useful, if you'd be able to change that to something different, A4 for example, so that the default size of a new document isn't letter.

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  13. There is no visible delete page button, so a suggestion would be to add one somewhere on the top of a page, like a "X" on the top left to delete the entire page.

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  14. Some other drawing softwares (including MS paint) have the option to draw straight lines by holding down shift and either touching the starting stroke point then the finishing point or automatically straightening drawn strokes when finished

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  15. I uninstalled and then reinstall again the app but nothing. after the last upgrade the app shows only a big white page. HELP

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  16. Link to edit with Windows and IPad does not work: I can share a document from the IPad so I can see it on the Windows. However, the file is not updated, so if I write something in the document on the Windows, it is not visible on the IPad afterwards. Analogous in the other direction.

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  17. 1 vote
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  18. I recently bought an active capacitive stylus cuz my old one was dying too quickly and I thought a battery powered one would be more suitable. Turns out goodnotes beta only registers my active capacitive stylus as a finger and does not draw, instead it just acts as if my finger would and only scrolls.

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  19. for example, I have a pdf in which content is in A4 size and not enough space to write my own notes on the sidelines, but if we are able to tilt the pdf from vertical to horizontal , then there will be enough space to write own notes on sidelines

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  20. I am a Pastoral counselor and use Goodnotes V5 to store counselee and client data. As you might imagine, HIPPA is important to us all in the health care field and securing handwritten notes is paramount. Having encryption or two-factor authentication on iCloud data would be a very large and critical improvement. TIA, Chris

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