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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2281 results found

  1. On Goodnotes for android/windows, Existing hyperlinks are either removed or disabled from imported pdfs. Please fix this issue as it's very discouraging since it works on Goodnotes for Apple .. I was happy after I bought a Samsung tablet to know I would be able to use Goodnotes sine iPad are a bit pricey..I like Goodnotes but with this issue I can't really use any of my digital planners that I imported

    23 votes
  2. When I have to send a friend just a part of the documantation then this would be very helpful. Like the titel says it would be cool if you can export single pdf or parts from the documantation.

    23 votes
  3. Ability of use different fonts either from the app or import your own download, so that it is equilibrio to IOS versión.

    23 votes
  4. ability to insert text and laser pen tool(with different colours),also add pencil ,ruler and tape tool

    23 votes
  5. please have a better hand recognition/palm rejection
    i often experience difficulties when my hand touches the display that it is seen as a pen and writes
    also sometimes when i write and my hand touches the scren its seen as if i zoom in and out which i am not doing

    23 votes
  6. The ability to upload a PDF file to GoodNotes and then the ability to annotate, write and draw over it, etc. and then being able to export or send it to one's cloud service of choice, like GDrive.

    23 votes
  7. Size of brush pen
    Should be in numeric value ex 10,11,12.....100

    23 votes
  8. For me this would be really useful especial because we don't have files for different subjects- My music teacher sends me scores every few weeks to annotate read off etc. so having the ability to organize this with ether files or PDF files put into pre-existing notebooks would be great.

    23 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  9. As a student collaborating with others on GoodNotes, comments are used to share additional information or as a way to summarize pages and chapters. Hence, it would be great if it was possible to view all comments that have been written on the documents, without having to scroll to every single page.

    23 votes
  10. A color pipette for quick access of colors you recently used, so you don't need to "create" the color again. Simply tap on a color you used for example in a drawing and the color is automatically selected with you pen.

    22 votes
  11. Handwriting to font is very easy for people with bad Handwriting

    22 votes
  12. Since this is the windows/pc version, it's understandable that not everyone has touch screens or Wacoms wherein they can write texts using the pen with the same experience when they use ipad. Even if they do, it's not a guarantee that users have great or cute handwriting themselves.

    Since adding texts is available, I am suggesting that there would be multiple available fonts to choose from and also have the user have the ability to use fonts that are already installed in their own computers, or just add one to the app. This way, people can add texts to their…

    22 votes
  13. It would be nice to have the ability to fill different shapes with an extra tool. This is a thing I also miss in samsung notes (and a reason for me to switch to GoodNotes if the app comes out in the full version).
    This tool should work for pen and marker.

    22 votes
  14. whenever you have to zoom in and out to make changes, there is a considerable lag.

    22 votes
  15. It would be good to add the option to type with keyboard, while also having the option to draw. Right now, its just the option to draw which yes i have a touch screen windows, but i would rather type and draw diagram!

    22 votes
  16. We need Goodnotes work like ios in our Android tablet with all features, it is too laggy on Android and also make it available offline, Thnx

    21 votes
  17. A tape tool to cover up words when you are studying so you and quickly press it to see what it is and then press again to hide it.

    21 votes
  18. I am planning to use this app with surface, but when I use the surface pen, it is very stressful that the eraser on the butt of the pen remains as the eraser even when I hold the pen again after using the eraser on the butt of the pen.

    21 votes
  19. Right now, if you append a page to a notebook containing an imported PDF, the last page of the PDF will be duplicated, which does not make sense. The ability to add blank pages to PDFs would facilitate doing school work (using scripts, excercise files etc.) using GoodNotes more easily.

    21 votes
  20. The Control+p short cut right now just tries to print some screen that says to switch to desktop view to facilitate easier editing. Without the ability to print things like solving excercises for school are impossible to do using GoodNotes.

    21 votes
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