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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2289 results found

  1. It would be great if you could partner with Rocketbook so I can import my scans directly into Goodnotes.

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  2. Is voice recording not available in the Windows version of good notes?

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  3. We can easly share our „iOS documents” to Windows, but how about opposite way?
    I truly believe its not only me who has the same problem.
    It would be useful if my Windows friend could share her documents with me.

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  4. The only way to improve it is to bring it up to par with the iOS version. Doing that, it would truly be worth the investment. Literally, hope that this good notes ain't gonna be a half baked app after 4 years or something.

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  5. Pdf 파일을 여는데 자꾸 튕겨요... 약 100메가, 200메가짜리 파일인데 와 이리 버벅이는지... 고쳐주세여 ㅜㅜ

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  6. When exporting a PDF to email (which does not yet work) it would also be great to not have a random DDq2bOztanlsdohdksfj etc. file name but the name of the PDF with an option to edit/change it.

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  7. I'm consedering to switch to a different platform cuz it's always stuck! get me out of the flow of thinking and it's feel so cheap.

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  8. 1 vote
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  9. Ability to change the colour of written text with the lasso tool.

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  10. It is hoped that it can support more adaptation of the digital board on the windows side, which is very important, and it is related to whether goodnotes can shake the position of onenotes on the windows side

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  11. implementar la función de cambiar tipografía en versión windows

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  12. Thanks for this helpful application, but can you ass the ability to select some pages to export instead of the only choice of exporting all the file pages together which is usually not helpful.

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  13. 1 vote
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  14. 1 vote
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  15. when i open the app i see 4 notes flashing than i see either 3 of 2 notes (which i have saved ) this is not good for user experience, sync the notes flashing to no of notes i have and it shows 4 so for your easiness make max note count to 4 rather than deleting a flashing thing , and then synchronize it will be great and advertise this 4 thing so people will find great and will try again hence returning users

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  16. Please improve it... and please fix bugs as it lags a lot and sometimes few folder which once I can edit suddenly doest open and it show the system crashed.... please fix it asap... Although the app is good And I appreciate the developers fr making it available from android as well..

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  17. The documents shared do not appear across Apple devices. This seems to only be an issue on the device. it appears online. But I need it to appear on each device. All of my documents are backed up to the cloud. How do I fix this issue?

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  18. It would be grate if we can have a more power efficient app: Goodnotes drains my battery! it's not an hardware problem: my PC is brand new

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  19. Please add the option for screen readers to 'read' what the PDF says. It would make this app very well-rounded for those of us with visual impairments.

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  20. We should be able to pinch out the file more than it lets us now, we should be able to go as high as 50% of the size, we should also have a favorite tool bar placed on the side of the screen on right or left to make it easier to reach for

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