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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8809 results found

  1. Allow people the chance to create digital planners with hyper links to months and weeks of each year that is specified. Note shelf 2 already has this. I think Goodnotes needs this as well. The CCP virus will mean this feature will become extremely important as people will need a way to track their daily activities.

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  2. Hello,

    Is it possible to have an account showing off on several tablets without going through icloud?

    Do you have a version to develop for businesses?

    thank you in advance

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  3. On MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros (etc...) there's a lot more room than on an iPad.
    I'm thinking about page thumbnails, about how many pages are shown on a single screen (and how much space rests unutilized on the left and on the right of the note).
    Please make the Mac app "Mac friendlier"!

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  4. Have hidden editable MetaData fields for each page or image, including date, name, keywords, etc.

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  5. I want to paste a url and have the rendered html as a document.
    Now I have to do it the other way: from safari I can open in GoodNotes (doesn’t work well) or Markup. Then export to goodnotes. This works well but I have to click about 12 buttons along the way, which is frustrating.

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  6. I’m a maths teacher and would like to see a wide variety of shapes that can be easily drawn, than having to draw it line by line. The inclusion of 2D and 3D number planes would also be great.

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  7. Since I am using Apple Pencil, switching the pen to eraser need to click on the eraser icon on the tab.
    I suggest that there is a floating eraser icon on the screen, so I can drag that icon to my left hand side( I am right hand user). When I need to erase something, I can just tap the floating eraser icon using my left hand. Then it will be more efficient to user who are using Apple Pencil.
    This idea might be useful to other pen functions too.

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  8. I think that apple’s File app has some bugs, so every time I upload a file to my google drive from PC, I cannot see that file via import button.
    Looks like it didn’t sync well on the File app.
    In my opinion, GoodNotes should request user permission directly to access the file from google drive.

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  9. Simply make goodnotes snappier when opening folders and files, add little animations — for the selecting tool, for example.

    Goodnotes feels a bit “heavier” than Notability on this part, in my opinion

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  10. When importing a new paper template being and you are writing in the zoom text field and click enter the whole box jumps down the whole box length. So being able to select where it jumps to when pressing enter and it so it can for example jump to the next line like with the pre-installed GoodNotes templates would be very good

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  11. It would be good to be able to edit and save the convert to text function so when you're searching for specific prompts later and the convert to text did not work correctly automatically you could still find words later on.

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  12. I don't know why, but the GoodNotes app sits inside a GoodNotes folder in the Applications folder. That intermediate folder isn't necessary. Just put the App in the Applications folder.

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  13. Hi, I hope you can make a feature so that I can edit the a specific bookmark and change the page number without having to delete it.

    For example, when I use Foxit Reader (a PDF reader software), I can set bookmark at page 10, Then jump to page 30, and then 'Set this a new destination'. So that I have changed the page number of the bookmark

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  14. From Notability, I miss the ability to add image text to images in my notes. When using several images/figures in my notes, I miss the ability of being able to tag these images with appropriate image text to tie them to handwritten text elsewhere in the same note. I’d much appreciate it if this feature is added in a future update.

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  15. Wenn man ein Bild zuschneidet und die Größe anpasst und dieses dann kopieren und woanders einfügen will, sollte die Kopie die gleiche Größe haben und nicht eine x-beliebige. Das würde SEHR viel Zeit sparen, als jede Kopie neu auf die ungefähr gleiche Größe anzupassen.

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  16. Allow me to move the paper/canvas freely so I don't have to take my hand off the glass when writing at the edge. This is only an issue in the opposite direction of the scroll. My workflow is up/down so I have limited access to the right edge because the page will rubberband back to center.

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  17. 1) When importing docs into Goodnotes 5 and exporting to other places, file names become all lower cases. This is extremely annoying and Goodnotes 4 didn't have this problem.

    2) Please allow renaming the filename by tapping on the tab. Goodnotes 4 allowed this function, but now this function is gone in Goodnotes 5.

    3) Want to sort files by types or other orders, not just name.

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  18. when using the app in split view, it would be interesting to have a command that allows you to select a specific area on the screen that automatically creates a snapshot and pastes it inside the document in which you are writing (avoiding having to do the classic iOS screenshot)

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  19. Just a better view of the file before it is exported, in a sense showing the borders and coloring, etc.
    Would definitely help with making sure the correct documents are being moved properly to where they need to be

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  20. There should be a better option when I need to send multiple files via email as separate pdfs. I often have to send multiple files from Goodnotes and it would be great if I could select that I want to send them as two separate pdf attachments. But the only option to keep them as separate pdf's is to send multiple emails because if I select multiple files to send as an email it will merge them into one large pdf.

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