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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9118 results found

  1. Applies to teaching with PDFs slides. When a slide have several bullets, you can create one page for each bullet (incrementally), but this kind or PDF slides works very bad with scrolling.
    Please add a three fingers slide (or similar) for 'instant' page change.

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  2. Hi Goodnotes
    I have tried using Goodnotes 5 on my M1 macbook Air, and well it is just about useless, I love using Goodnotes 4.13.5 on my 2013 mini 2 ipad, it is just so uselful, with the text suggestions, easy to move text around on the ipad, to change the font size, it is just a brilliant experience.

    When I bought my M1 mac air, and I bought Goodnotes 5, I thought if Goodnotes 4 was brilliant, GN 5 must be a factor better, it is 100 times worse, and I just cannot understand why....

    I would spend $50…

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  3. I hope I can see more documents on the home page at the same time by merging some options to the same line. And, change the create new document to a circle with Plus like what we see in social media. It may looks a weird and unnecessary request, but that's what you do when you give a 'hide status bar' option, right? And I keep that open all the time. Thank you.

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  4. It’s not always easy to know what page u are currently on just based off of the page number itself, especially when you have higher quantity of pages within a notebook. It would be helpful to have a small picture of my current page (maybe under the page number or somewhere else) to ensure I am actually on the page I think I am so that I don’t accidentally delete/ copy/ insert the wrong page/ location. Currently I have to click the 3 dots first to verify the page I’m on bc 77 out of 120 doesn’t tell me much…

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  5. please add a feature where the ball pen has a tip sharpness, i dislike the way it looks and enjoy that more rigid writing style without the added pressure, such as the fountain pen

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  6. To improve the accuracy of handwriting searches, it would be ideal if the user could edit the recognition results to some extent.
    My handwriting is clean, but sometimes there are spaces in words such as English words, and when this happens, they are not found in searches.
    Also, no matter how many times I rewrite my handwriting, it is always different in GOOD NOTES, so I can't search for it.
    I am a Japanese speaker, so I use hiragana, kanji, and katakana, and I sometimes write in English and other languages. I expect it would be difficult to recognize them…

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  7. Hello,

    The interviewing series recommends wearing a three button suit to an interview. The gentleman at the suit shop informed me that this has been out of style for over five years and will make me appear dated. I realize that the podcast was made sometime ago, and I want to be sure that I have not missed an update regarding dress code for interviews. I also realize that he may tell me this, simply because he no longer carries that particular suit.

    Is the three button suit, still the recommendation?


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  8. When taking notes on a Good Notes 5 - iPad Pro , I take pictures with the iPad camera. I need to use these pictures separately in a MS Word documents, however there does not seem to be a way to export the pictures separately (eg JPG files). Also when exporting the Good Notes document as PDF, the contained pictures do not appear as Pictures in the PDF document, and as a result I cannot save them separately, or even Copy in Clipboard !!! They appear as Comments, or some other item, but not as pictures in the PDF document…

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  9. put sticky notes insted of notes. Also make it easier to idk

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  10. Please add the option to prevent accidental closure of tabs.

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  11. I like using the blank page for my note taking as it allows me the freedom of note taking style. However, when I start writing paragraphs I end up with slanted, is there any chance you add a toggle switch that allows the user to toggle lines on the page temporary and switch them off when done, so we can have straight paragraphs please. Thanks! I seriously can’t live without GoodNotes!

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  12. Hi

    Is there a current version for this document-see attached?

    (Software Asset Management Process Guide_Paris Process Guide 2020)

    If so, please send me the document or link.


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  13. I suggest to add a continous writing turn off/on button in a writing mode. Because when i use it, sometimes i don’t use that continuous writing mode. But now it is able to go features tab and turn off it. So it is useful to add switch on that writing mode

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  14. I wish the uploading to iCloud of fast enough to be able to make edits to the same notebook on my iPad and Mac at the same time. Like with Google Docs, multiple people or accounts can edit the same document without one having to stop/wait for the other.

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  15. need help writing an essay

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  16. As you can see, there are lots of different ways you can change up the font on your Instagram stories with Instagram Schrift. So go ahead and have some fun with it! And if you're ever feeling stuck, just remember that you can always go back to the regular old Times New Roman font

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  17. when creating a shape you have du manually select the shape to adjust the size at the knots in the corners, preselection right after creation would be great.

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  18. Hi! Can you help me with this, please?
    Sorry for the off-topic discussion; I tried using a different laptop to check if the problem was with my Canon printer or not. But, after connecting it to another laptop, the printer did not work correctly, so it's not an issue with the laptop. This problem occurs with the Canon printer MG2560 ( What should I do with this? If anyone knows about it, please let me know.

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  19. مرحبًا ، أعلم حقيقة أن خدمة يوتيوب mp3 المحول المجاني يمكن أن تساعدك لأن هذا ما كنت أستخدمه منذ بضع سنوات حتى الآن. إنه الفيديو الذي يسمح لك بتحويل مقاطع الفيديو بجودة عالية. أيضًا ، أحب حقيقة أن لديه تصميمًا بسيطًا جدًا وليس من الصعب فهم كيفية العمل مع هذا البرنامج. أود أيضًا أن أنصحك بالتعرف على كيفية بدء العملية بشكل صحيح. على الرغم من عدم وجود شيء معقد في هذا الأمر ، فكل ما عليك فعله هو لصق رابط من youtube والاستمتاع بالنتائج.

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