Enable to create links between pages
As the contents in the notebook keeps increasing over a period of time, I would like to have a link or connector to a previous page or a different book within the app to quickly navigate to the desired content instead if flipping through the pages.
dschense commented
This feature is an absolute must have for any app that seriously wants to be a proper note app. GoodNotes is so great in every way and my absolute favorite app when it comes to creating notes or large comprehensive documents. Whether that's for school, studying, or everyday work.
This feature would add a lot of value to the app and no one would have a reason to switch to another app. -
GoGo GiGi commented
The reason I don't use the GoodNotes app more is because the journals and notebooks I have, all require hyperlinks to be able to navigate them effectively. it's a major stumbling block for me right now.
Danielle Oldfield commented
Yes! It’s irksome that this feature doesn’t exist yet.
Abigail H (Tabby) commented
I’m liable to switch apps - or even just go back to pen and paper - if this isn’t implemented soon.
As someone with ADHD I consider this an accessibility feature. A quality of life feature, if you will, but in the most literal sense.
Sandroadtrip commented
Oh yes! Like we click on the button and the page we are looking for opens in a new tab
Mandy Liu commented
How is the progress here??
Jan Marten Locher commented
How is the progress on this..?!
Todd Warrington commented
Vital feature to make GoodNotes more usable as my notebook size and collection grows.
Pat Bautista commented
Agree!! Other apps have this and I was surprised that goodnotes doesn’t.
x commented
Declic Video commented
Definitely a must have, I consider moving to another application if not implemented in a near future, as I have many books and pages now, and it is hard to navigate between each other.
Declic Video commented
This is a must have, I consider moving to something different if it is not implemented in a near future, as I have too many pages and books now that I hardly navigate amongst them.
Thanks for considering.
Emmanuel commented
I would love this!! Like if you needed to reference an image but dont want the image to be on the page or if you need to go back for more detail! Similar to a function on Notability
Stefan Bifolchi commented
Or a link to a selected portion of a page. For example, much like the wikipedia feature where you hover over the link to get a quick definition of a term without switching pages. This would be useful for math or science texts where there is often references to equations many pages back. If the textbook says something like "as was shown in equation 4.10" I would like to click on "4.10" and have the equation show up without switching pages.
Jordyn H commented
I love this idea!
Sarvesh Mangla commented
Even Free CollaNote has this feature. This is important, add this feature now.
Aaron commented
Great idea
Anthonny Leclerc commented
Yesss plzzz 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
nyt foodle commented
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Anonymous commented
Internal links would make it much easier to navigated GN