Ruler and compass
Good notes should include a ruler and compass. Especially for engineering students like me.
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Gonzalo Torche commented
I’m so happy to announce GoodNotes released this feature today! You can not only rotate the ruler with an indicator of the angle between the x axis and its direction to one heart’s desire but also set specific values for its position and angle as shown on the image below.
Bruno Rocha commented
This feature would solve all my issues with this app. I really like this app but a ruler is a must especially for students in STEM. Please add this ASAP
Luciana Pessoal commented
Ola, precisei desse recurso de medição (régua em escala) e quando procurei, percebi que não tinha....
Para estudantes, é uma função essencial e fundamental. Sou engenheira e estranhei que uma função basica e tão importante não tem no app. Essa função é bem mais essencial que mudar cor de pasta que foi feito na ultima atualização.
Se vocês abriram um canal de sugestões e contatos com os clientes, precisariam dar mais atenção as prioridades, pois é isso que faz toda a diferença no atendimento ao cliente.
Alem de melhorar a usabilidade e experiência dos usuarios, tambem aumenta a retenção dos clientes e a nota do app, consequentemente a exposição do app como melhor app do ano. Pensem a respeito... :) obrigada -
OWL4C commented
What is going on with all the spam here?
Nevertheless, most critical missing feature, i actually resort to using „set squares“ and rulers irl with my iPad because the draw&hold feature is not really sufficient for anything except underlining -
Munashe Tapera commented
Please add one to IOS too
Blaise Richelieu commented
This is already a thing. When drawing a line, hold at the end. It will auto-straighten—no need for a ruler.
Christy Blue commented
Absolutely, would very much look forward to it
Piluo Chen commented
I literally searched for this idea
Taylor Jensen commented
I think this suggestion fits in here- scale measuring should be part of this tool set.
It is of vital importance to me, and would save a great deal of printing and agonizing scale rule usage.
Florian commented
Instead of a simple ruler, please consider this tool (set square in english, i guess).
Features I would appreciate
- measurements of angles
- draw lines with help of set square (which could also be accomplished witch displaying the set square and drawing lines with the shape tool)
- correct size ratio (if I choose DIN A4 format, one rectangle has the dimensions 0.5cm x 0.5cm). The set square definitely needs to be accurate to the correct measurements. That way my pupils can draw the exact form, that I draw with my Ipad.- Please stick to the metric system, in Europe we work with SI units (or give an option to choose which measurement system to use)
Thank you. :-)
Mark commented
Yes! Add some CAD functions so things can be drawn to scale, like being able to specify the length of the radius of a circle or the length of a line. Also, more precision in rotating shapes would be helpful.
Everlyn commented
One way to implement this cleanly might be to have a ruler appear or small box showing the measured distance appear when holding down the pen tool (like when we draw a straight line)
B. TAO commented
Very important indeed. And the ability to choose the units (cm or in) alongside the angles in the middle as said in another comment.
Katha commented
I would also very much like to have a ruler tool. Preferably so that angles are also visible (see attached image). This is very helpful for math lessons especially in geometry. In addition, I would find it super if on the ruler units are marked with numbers e.g. in cm.
Amara Spiteri commented
I was also really hoping for a ruler tool. Hopefully this is in one of the first updates.
Taylor Jensen commented
I could stop printing dozens of ARCH E size plots if GoodNotes had a scale rule.
I import a PDF that's in 1/4" or 1/2" scale, GoodNotes should be able to be calibrated with that information and let me measure the distance between things on the page.
Petru commented
An allen denen diese Funktionen ebenfalls fehlen und denen Apple notes nicht gut genug ist: probiert notability oder Zoomnotes (hat sogar Zirkel und alle möglichen Lineale)! So wie es aussieht hat Goodnotes nie vor das einzufügen.
Yannic commented
It would be nice to have a ruler tool to draw straight lines, like in OneNote or MS Journal
Johannes commented
Ich bin nun fast fertig mit meinem Elektrotechnikstudium und ich vermisse sehr stark die Funktion, dass man Längen als auch Winkel exakt abtragen kann. Meine bisherige Improvisation sieht sehr spektakulär aus, wenn man versucht mit einem physischen Geodreieck einen Winkel zu erahnen.
Christian Antonsen commented
This would also be a handy feature in the classroom when teaching math. I would even go as far as to say this should be considered an essential toolkit in the program.