Paint Bucket Color Fill
Similar to MS paint it would be useful to have a paint bucket tool that would fill a color inside the lines of a shape. Most of the functionality is already added with the shape fill color option, but for drawings that dont use it there is no efficient way to fill the space.
Justine Roussel commented
الرهان على الفرق الكبيرة يبدو خيارًا آمنًا، لكنه ليس دائمًا مربحًا. في كثير من الأحيان، تقدم شركات المراهنات احتمالات منخفضة جدًا على الفرق القوية، مما يعني أنك تحتاج إلى استثمار مبالغ كبيرة لتحقيق أرباح صغيرة. والأسوأ من ذلك، أن كرة القدم مليئة بالمفاجآت – حتى الفرق القوية قد تخسر أمام فرق أقل شهرة بسبب الإرهاق، الأخطاء التحكيمية، أو الحظ السيئ. لذلك، من المهم البحث عن القيمة الحقيقية في الرهانات وليس مجرد اختيار الفرق الكبرى. هل تفضلون المراهنة على الفرق الكبيرة أم تبحثون عن خيارات أخرى أكثر قيمة؟
EA17 commented
This idea was suggested on the "Apr 20, 2022" it's December 2024 and still no proper implementation. What's taking so long?? Very poor
Paul Brown commented
This is a deal breaker for me. Looks like I'm going to have to buy an iPad and get WeTransfer's Paper app.
Sujan Paudel commented
There is not even pencil tool which is very crutial for drawing ..
Esther commented
How has this essential feature of every creative drawing program been missed? :)
afruitthing123 commented
it seems people have been requesting this for over a decade, i really hope this gets added
asutarisuku commented
Szymon Markiewicz commented
Arianna Iudicello commented
Check my idea!
Arianna Iudicello commented
Look at the template I have done!
Arianna Iudicello commented
Unlike in other note apps, you can't fill-in shapes with colors yourself. Either you can do a shape that's semi-transparent or you can fill it yourself manually. It would be grate to have a bucket tool able to paint both geometrical and non-geometrical figures!
Abbie Coon commented
Yes!!! And also please please please add this for the highlighter! I want to draw a box around my answer in highlighter and have it be filled without overlapping!
Trevante Brown commented
Needed for students that wanna create detailed modeling
Pri commented
I do a lot of sketches with my notes. Need when drawing furniture.
MAK commented
YES!!! Can we change opacity of colors and photos too please?!
Simon commented
I need this so bad!!!
Sabrina commented
Not only the option for a solid fill where you can change the color and transparency but a pattern fill option (stripes/dots/etc) similar to the pattern fill in PowerPoint?
Gonzalo Torche commented
Yes! This was what I was about to request. Please GoodNotes, add this feature!
Thu Thảo Nguyễn commented
I keep coming back to Procreate because of the custom brushes and this. I know this app is not for drawing but taking notes will be much easier with these two features.
Thamires Estevam commented
Please, do this GoodNotes