Re add manual sorting of documents in goodnotes 4.0
Goodnotes 3 one could manually sort the notes, please add the function again as name and date is not enough, at university I sometimes upload allot of docs at a time and need to re order them!!

Glori commented
Great post. It was much needed. Love your simplistic style of explanation.
Justine Roussel commented
المراهنات على المباريات الحية قد تكون ممتعة ولكنها محفوفة بالمخاطر. عندما تشاهد المباراة مباشرة، يمكنك تحليل الأداء بشكل فوري واتخاذ قرارات بناءً على مجريات اللعب. ولكن المشكلة أن السرعة في اتخاذ القرار قد تؤدي إلى رهانات متسرعة وغير مدروسة. من الأفضل دائمًا تحديد استراتيجية قبل بدء المباراة وعدم الانجراف وراء المشاعر أثناء اللعب. برأيكم، هل تعتبر المراهنات الحية فرصة جيدة لتحقيق الأرباح، أم أنها مجرد مخاطرة إضافية؟
Jonathan Hamelin commented
I feel you—manual sorting was so handy in Goodnotes 3, especially for when you're uploading a bunch of docs at once like I do for university. Having to rely on names and dates just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Hopefully, they bring back that feature in 4.0. In the meantime, I’ve been creating separate folders for each subject or project, which helps a bit with the chaos.
RikiKikiTaco commented
Can't believe this was requested for 4 with so many votes and we're on 6 and still can't manually sort.
Emile commented
Yes! Very true! it would also be nice to order files in certain folders by "last edited" but then other folders to be sorted manually.
Eylul Horozoglu commented
Yess I agree with this. Also I want certain folders to be ordered by "last edited" but then other folders to be sorted manually. Right now, whatever option I pick applies to all folders, which is annoying.
Jan commented
I would like to have this feature too. So you can. have your own, personal and individual order in your folders.
I would also like to see that different folders can have different types of sort, so you do not have to do it everytime for the global folders structure. -
Anonymous commented
I would like to sort my folders myself in any order.
Anonymous commented
I spent the evening last night putting astericks and z’s to my folder names in order to force them into an order I preferred. Would be much easier if I could just customize how I want them sorted!
Anonymous commented
Better inner organization, such as manually placing documents in a order we prefer within the folders. Could possibly be a option labeled "custom" if implemented
Anonymous commented
I'm missing the function to sort the library items by created date!
Josefina Cieza commented
That way I could put the folders or files that I use the most on top and those that I use the less on the bottom. It would help to organise it our way so it is more practical.
Would be great!
Martin Vidorra commented
Please add the feature to sort your notes manually!
For example: my prof uploads page 1 and 2, so I import those files into GoodNotes. After a week he reuploads page 1 because of a mistake. I delete the earlier version of page 1 and import the new one into GoodNotes. Now I can't change the order, so page 2 is before page one. -
Marta commented
Yes, I was about to post the same thing! This is supper annoying (especially with folders) and the reason why I'm thinking of switching to Notability..
Monica commented
In OneNote, which I currently use alongside GoodNotes, there is the option to order notebooks and pages in whatever order I want. Meaning, I don't need to stick to alphabetical or date related organization; I can drag around my documents in whatever order I want and they stay put in that location until I move them around. There should be an option that allows free, subjective moving of such notebooks/folders with no "rule" dictating their location along with the current options for organizing based on name/date. I order my notes based on chapters by titling them Chapter 1, Chapters 3-4, Chapter 5, etc. However, my Chapters 3-4 show up after the Chapter 5 under the current alphabetical organization, slowing me down when I'm trying to quickly find certain documents.
Tobias Pöllath commented
I have the problem very often that I search for notes very long because I can not sort them manually.
So I would really love to hear that a manual sort option will be implemented . -
Axel Sjöstedt commented
I solve This problem by numrering the notes as i ceratet them. This way the sort by Name is converted to sort by creation date.
Anonymous commented
the new added folders are nice, but the file management leaves a lot to be desired as mentioned in the key comment.
#stone age
Monica Gurnani commented
Please consider this. This way I can revise a notebook and conveniently put it at the last for revising again.
This will really help in simplifying my revision schedule!
Annette commented
My first GoodNotes was GoodNotes 4. This version had a great sorting feature - where you could make it look like the index in a book. I REALLY miss this feature. It is so hard to sort the notes now...