Kareena commented
Would love this! More sections/tabs options within a notebook in general. In real notebooks, I love using those colored divider pages to make each section easy to find and more organized. Feels like this should be quick to add. Not sure why it's been 10.5 years...
Magdin S. commented
This idea was logged in 2014. It is 10 years later and there still are no dividers. It should be simple to implement:
- Add a new type of page: cover page, divider page, paper page.
- This opens a whole new market for divider designs
- When a divider is added, it automatically gets added to the Bookmarks
- Make it easy to sort existing pages into divided sections to organize a notebook that got too largeThis would make notebooks so much more versatile.
R. Buzbalov commented
Great Idee👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
B R (Raptor Princess) commented
This!!!! We need tabs!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes this would be amazing! They could make it go with the outline feature
Marlin commented
YES PLEAAAASE some of my notebooks are over 200 pages long so it would be helpful to label some pages
dan dan commented
That would be AMAZING 😻
Anonymous commented
Yes! Please ADD TABS!!!
Emily Roberts commented
Please add this! Coming from using OneNote that's the feature I feel is really lacking in this program. Would also work well with a sub-outline option. Loving this app, but having to scroll through my outlines and then pages within my outlines to find what I want is frustrating.
Matt Thomson commented
The fact that people have started making (and selling) their own tabbed templates (as mentioned by a previous comment) means there is DEFINITELY more demand than is reflected by the vote count. Customizable tabs built into the app would be amazing!
Anonymous commented
I am a big fan of Goodnotes, but also I urgently need the possibility to structure my notebooks with tabs. The additional possibility of hyperlinks to a table of contents or even better in the document would be optimal.
Anonymous commented
I am in agreement that at this point tabs should be a feature offered. I could be linked to an outline, and you could add pages to each section separately. It could be color coded with the same options in the brush menu, and could have auto-generated text fields that were horizontal or vertical, depending on the orientation. You could choose to have the tabs at the top, right, or left to accommodate people with left handed writing. Perhaps also a toggle to have the tabs displayed or not. Then clicking on the tab would bring you to the start of each section. This could be used for sections of notes, monthly tabs, or groupings of similar styles of pages (e.g. workout bullet journal spreads versus mood tracker spreads, etc.). Also having the option to import tab types (different shaped tabs) would be great. Sizing and number of tabs would need to be worked out so that many tabs would not be too small (or perhaps stacking them outward from the page when they get to be too many for a minimum page size, say portrait A4 with tabs on the right can support 10 tabs, then it needs to go to a second row, while portrait A7 can maybe only support 6 tabs before it needs to go to a second row). Just some thoughts on how I would love to see this feature implemented.
Anonymous commented
I’m starting to see people implement this on their own. You can even see Etsy sellers starting to sell templates that have tabs. Unfortunately, it’s all a tedious hack that they need to implement and maintain on their own. They have to copy and paste the tab links and place them on every page.
I think an option for a “master page” is what they need, similar to Google Slides. Something that is placed on every page, bonus points for recognizing data variables like page number.
Anonymous commented
Yes please, the outline is good but this would be way more functional
Brenda commented
Just bought Goodnotes, and created my first notebook. The VERY NEXT THING I want and NEED to do is add tabs. Even a beginner needs this option. The app loses a huge amount of functionality without this feature.
Please add it asap!
Anonymous commented
I am a uni student and I have just started going paperless since the start of the new term. Goodnotes is amazing but it's quite inconvenient when I have to natvigate from one page to another (often my lecture notes has 50+ pages).
It would be amazing if Goodnotes could introduce a tab function (along the edge of each page) just like adding a physical post-it divider along the edges of the page, so users can jump from one page to the other without tabbing the thumbnail button first then look for the page s/he wants.
Anonymous commented
Just insert covers as divider tabs and then add them to the outline view. That way you can quickly jump to the start of that section, or if you want to see a particular page within the section, use the thumbnail view where your "tab" sheet, labeled in large text, will help you quickly narrow your search.
One thing that would be nice in a native notebook divider tab feature would be to have a narrow vertical right edge to represent those divider tabs to jump to that section without having to first go to the outline view. This should be implemented with the ability to toggle the dividers off/on with a single tap.
James-Petet O’Donnell commented
Very cool ... I admit that since I create 1 note book per week that I just insert some random colorful cover page between the days...so tabs yeah
JtotheE commented
I have a similar idea. I want to see a “paperclip” or “binder clip.”
Example: I have a notebook of information about my garden. Some of the information I want to be able to reference next year, but I want to keep all of the 2019 pages clipped together so they behave as one page until I “unclip” them. This idea could also be implemented as a tab that could be applied after the notes were written, and then the tabs could be rearranged so the entire tab Cavan be moved to the back of the notebook. -
Danai commented
I agree! I’ve watched several videos where people create tabbed digital journals and planners using Keynote, and the functionality of the linked tabs is retained when imported into Good Notes,but it’s A LOT of work and you need to have it completely set up before the import — there’s no way to edit once it’s done. PLEASE make this a feature!