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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9118 results found

  1. More custom color palette (similarly to Notability)

    It would be better if I could make a palette for a light background, and another one for a darker background

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  2. It's really annoying that text boxes move along my hand when I just wanna edit some contents.

    It would be nice to be able to fix each text boxes, not to move while dragging, editing or sth.

    e.g. when pressing a text box, option for 'fix' and 'unfix' could be possible.

    ((sorry, i'm not good at english.))

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  3. I wish we could show an arrow when using laser pointer (like in Explain Everything) instead of just a dot.

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  4. Instead of "Using the Lasso Tool" guide button, you can change that area into toggle-able options for "selecting handwriting", or "selecting image", et cetera. With this way, I don't have to open the context menu from lasso tools, and also, that space will be more useful and UX friendly too.

    Please see my image for referencing.

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  5. Not sure if this could be done with pre-drawn shapes or with a font, but it'd be really cool to have music note shapes available within the app. The shape drawing function doesn't work too well for music notation, and it's pretty difficult to try to draw them freehand with an apple pencil.

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  6. I'd like to have the opportunity to create Symbolic Links in folders. This feature would let us use folders as an index for subjects comprised by notebooks or other folders without having to duplicate it.

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  7. I use good notes for digital planning like many others and would love two things new inks such as glitter and metallic and a feature where you can change the brightness of a picture so it can become more of a background for the page

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  8. Would be super helpful to be able to view notes in a web browser. there are times when i don't have access to my ipad and need to see something i wrote previously don't need editing capabilities, just ability to view. since notes are stored in the cloud hopefully having this would be straightforward.

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  9. Zoom window behaviour was changed in GN5. Previously, it included tool bars and better snap functionality. GN4 behaviour was superior, please revert this feature set.

    GN5 zoom window is more visually appealing, but now the user must swing their at, all over the place to change tools :(

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  10. Templates with specific characteristics would be great.
    Like a kind of mixture of the current functions with an interactive pdf / word / pppt document:
    As such you could:
    - tic boxes (e.g. for to-do / participant lists)
    - interactive table templates that adapt in size to handwritten notes
    - computer text adapts to lines of template (that would look awesome)
    - certain areas cannot be written on (makes for cleaner notes)

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  11. I switch between pen and lasso probably about 10 times minimum in 5 minutes, if not more. I write things and like to continuously organise my content, my thoughts as I go. This is especially useful in process diagraming and mind mapping.

    Automatically turning off lasso once used would be annoying if you have to organise multiple things sequentially.

    I would like to see this feature improved by being able to swap the double-tap Apple Pencil 2 gesture for Pen --> Lasso --> Pen, rather than Pen --> Eraser --> Pen as it is by default.

    An additional option to…

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  12. A toggle that auto-deselects the shape tool after one use, just like the eraser.

    A further enhancement would be turning the whole tool into a toggle, which detects and corrects any shapes if it is turned on. This should ideally work with the highlighter alongside the pen. I understand there might be complications on this improvement, so I put the auto-deselect function in the title, as this toggle will suffice to solve the frustration where a circle would appear unexpectedly while writing a sentence.

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  13. Often times I annotate pdf in dropbox/Google Drive. I'd like to use goodnotes a PDF annotation tool rather than use PDF expert because I like the UI. I don't want to have to import PDFs directly into goodnotes and then export it.

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  14. When you have a lengthy document, e.g. 10 pages, and you need to add text/graph/diagram on the first page you would have to move everything down from that point onwards.
    Please add a menu to add a predefined amount of space at a certain point (2 cm ?)

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  15. Currently, when I use the text feature with a ruled background, the texts will overlap the lines of the background. It will be perfect if we can adjust the spacing such that the text can fit perfectly between the space.

    I would like to add if possible that the shape tool can be enhanced to recognise the shapes better. Occasionally the shape tool will correct my input into a warped shape.

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  16. Could Goodnotes 5 allow export to PDF or image without the template background? Whenever I select export without background, it remove all my inserted or imported picture/pdf.

    I would like to export without template background for printing, because it is waste of ink.

    Also, can we export selected pages too ?
    Can Goodnotes auto convert the light colour ink in dark mode to dark ink when exporting without background? (like Notes App in iOS13)

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  17. Hallo, ich fände es sehr hilfreich, wenn man Dateien (wie zum Beispiel Bilder, Textfelder, oder die eigene Schrift) mit Hilfe des cut Tools zwischen zwei Seiten hin und her bewegen könnte (bei Vertical scrolling) außerdem fände ich eine Lineal Funktion und eine Bibliothek aus bereits vorgefertigten Formen sehr sinnvoll.

    Manchmal hat man ebenfalls das Problem, dass Linien parallel zu den blatträndern ausgerichtet werden, was sehr hinderlich ist wenn man auf beispielsweise fotografierten Folien gerade Linien ziehen möchte zum unterstreichen von Text oder ähnlichem.

    Außerdem erkennt das shape Tool leider oft die Formen nicht oder erkennt Formen welche man eher selten…

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  18. Need a way to navigate from folder view to document view without open a new document and close it later every time. A must for academic research and writing.

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  19. Instead of having a ruler or a protractor one might simply have the ability to reference past lines. with the use of a reference tool, one could establish relationships relevant in the file. It might tell you what angle two lines form and set up a scale internal to the document. I mainly use Goodnotes to draw geometry because of its wonderful shape tool. It is much easier to use rather than constraining to the grid which feels awful, much like other programs. The drawback in goodnotes is there is no sense of scale or relationships.

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  20. I read books in PDF. The editorial margins are usually decided for print publication. I would like the ability to increase the page size to have more space to take notes.


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