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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8818 results found

  1. Because there are big size of eraser it hard to use
    If it small as point it would easy to use than present erase.

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  2. Create word hypolinks - To different page / book or internet

    On selection of text or image, be able to turn it into a hypolink, from here give us the options to select a page from either the same book or a different one, or either insert a url which would load up internet browser.

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  3. Even small documents (4-5 pages) seem to result in 6+ MB-sized documents. I think the fill colour option of the shape tool might be the culprit.

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  4. It is very irritating when you touch a Note Tab, either deliberately or by accident, then that not opens at the cover page, not at the last page being edited. You have to select the thumbnails and scroll to the last page. Have an option in settings that states when selecting a note tab continue at the last page being edited or cover page.

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  5. 8 votes

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  6. A Presentation mode where it is full screen and double tapping the apple pencil changes slide/page allowing your apple pencil to double as a presentation remote

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  7. Hi, first off all, app is great thank you! there some neccessery option that is missing, the option is write right to left in “zoom window”

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    • Add the option to save preferred, individual colours (now: when typing in a colour code and then changing the colour, you have to type in the code again because there is no possibility to go back to your individual colour)

    • Make it possible to highlight in a rectangle (straight, squared line) and not round

    • Expand options of highlighting colours (more shiny and bright like real highlighters, packages like pastel colours)

    • Add option to make highlighting automatically straight (without having to use the shape button)

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  8. The one that changes when clicking Select, Edit, Text, Pen, Highlight, Eraser...

    I honestly think it doesn't make sense to have that toolbar always active when you are just visualizing a document without editing it. It takes up valuable space for visualization! (specially in Macs with small screens).

    Is there a way to disable that "sub-toolbar"?

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  9. Is it possible to add the feature wheren one would be able to copy a part of the text from a notebook and paste it in another notebook.

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  10. 굿노트로 공동 작업을 하고 있습니다.
    그런데 멤버마다 선호하는 폰트가 다릅니다. 텍스트 상자에 적용되는 글꼴을 한번에 원하는 폰트로 바꾸는 기능이 있으면 좋겠습니다.
    pc버전에서라도 텍스트 상자 글꼴 바꾸는 버튼을 편집 기능에 넣거나, ctrl+클릭 등의 방법으로 텍스트 상자를 복수로 선택해서 폰트를 한 번에 바꿀 수 있게 부탁드립니다.

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  11. Hi! The tape feature is such an incredible tool to help learning. I use it a lot to cover long answers in the exercises. Sometimes there are large areas to cover with tape and have to 'paint' it all. It would be interesting to have in this feature the possibility of drawing tape shapes, like squares and circles that I can resize.

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  12. Allow the pen thickness adjustment have plus or minus options with/without slider
    Everytime it's annoying to adjust the slider for 0.05mm thickness with accuracy. It's time consuming to adjust stroke with careful slight movement.

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  13. Allow users to adjust the pencil's pressure sensitivity. This pencil is hard to write in a solid stroke without the users putting a very strong force. Also polish the stroke's shape so that when it's thicker, the writing will not diffuse. Apple's own pencil stroke will be a great example.

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  14. I hope you introduce the catalan language in hand writing recognition. At this point the feature is useless for me.

    Regards on seeing it soon

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  15. I'm a long time user, recently learnt that another app supports hebrew for the handwriting conversion function (along many other languages).
    please add that too!

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  16. It would be great to integrate an image-generating tool into GoodNotes 6, like shown in the picture. For Example, this feature would allow students to express their ideas more creatively by generating unique images that complement their written content. It would be also great for presenting their written things in class with matching pictures to the topic.

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  17. I love the new tape feature but I have A LOT of content that I need to tape over at a time! I would really love it if we had the option to make a box around what we want to tape and have the shape snap and fill in (like we have for the shape snap feature). My only other option currently is to make the pen as big as possible and color over an entire paragraph at once which has been very time consuming!

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  18. I purchased a notebook that already has hyperlinks, but there are permanent edits I want to do to a couple pages. Which was require the merge layer function like in procreate. I would just take the page and edit in procreate as I have the app but then I would have to add all the hyperlinks back into the page or through out the whole notebook. That is too time consuming. So I would be nice to merge layers I create down to the notebook page so it’s a permanent part of the page. Same thing would be helpful if…

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  19. The new typing mode in GN6 has significantly enhanced its versatility. It would be even better if a highlight tool could be added to the typing mode, allowing users to directly apply highlights to text while typing.

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