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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8818 results found

  1. Two things that would make this app even more amazing. First is the ability to hyperlink within the program. If you could link one note to another place anywhere in GoodNotes would be so useful. The other is to be able to add reminders. This would need to work with a hyperlink so a to-do task would notify you and then you could click and be taken right to where the reminder is referring to

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  2. I use GoodNotes for my planning and now create my planner in keynotes first so I can link the tabs to the right page. I’ve seen more people suggesting this feature comes in GoodNotes itself too so you don’t need keynotes anymore.

    I want to add something to that suggestion: I would also like to link objects or text boxes so what you write on one place will be mirrored to another place.

    For example; I have a monthly overview but also days and weeks. I have in every day page a square in the same size as in the…

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  3. please i just want double tap to undo

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  4. Have an option for us to scan document using iPad camera and cropping the image before pasting on our notes, and image pasted could be in PDF or image format. This will tremendously help in note taking

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  5. Have more sizes for the eraser that we can change and save.

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  6. It would be nice to be able to set more custom default fonts, like the handwriting mode already has.This can be efficient when there is often a need to separate the headline from the body text.

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  7. Please add horizontal and vertical rulers (similar to the rulers available is MS word / indesign, etc ...) so that the user would be able to place an object/write in a precise location. This is very helpful if someone intends to print a page with specific header/footer sizes and left/right margins, or for example if someone wants to place an object 4cm from the top, and 2cm from the left of the page.

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  8. 7 votes

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  9. It’s almost impossible to write well in goodnotes with the ball point pen. Please provide some settings to improve the smoothness and line to stability

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  10. Please allow custom colour palettes for text. AND the ability to have mixed colours in a single text block. At the moment if you change the colour of part of a text block, the UI changes the WHOLE block.

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  11. Sometimes we import a whole pdf into goodnotes and annotate some of the pages. it would be nice to be able to easily search and extract all the pages that have annotation to serve as a quick reviewer.

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  12. When I wanted to add new colours to the palette by typing in the hex number, I couldn’t see the number as I can’t scroll.

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  13. Hey! I know the app allow us to choose new colours and add them to a big pallete, but instead of thtat, it would be even great if we could create more than one pallete for different documents. Like this...

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  14. I was recently told that you can only back up and synch to iCloud if you want to use GoodNotes5 across multiple devices. It would be great to be have the option to do it through Google Drive or Dropbox as well.

    I believe this was an option previously. Please, please bring it back!

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  15. ability to create like a binder, then folders underneath the binder for more organization.

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  16. It feels like the macOS app is unfinished and has performance problem, like lag, slow, sync problems etc. This makes the user experience of macOS app very bad.

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  17. Please add multimedia option for example math section or code section and options for adding voice, links, videos, gifs and etc.
    And please add feature to lock folders and notesbooks

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  18. This is more of a bug report than a feature request, and it concerns the rotation of scanned documents from my iPad's camera.

    When importing a scan into GN using GN's own "Scan Documents" feature, the user is permitted to change the rotation, crop, and color scheme (b&w, color, etc) of the scan. This happens after the picture is taken with the camera. I frequently have to rotate a page 90 degrees to correct the text direction, but no matter what rotation I chose, GN imports it to a notebook with the original orientation. Very often, this creates a mismatch…

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  19. Use machine learning/AI to (optionally) record and catalog handwriting and be able to autocorrect handwritten text. Would be fantastic if it could also match sizes and styles of surrounding texts. After enough cataloging, it could even create a font with your handwriting.

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  20. I share my Bullet Journal with a virtual assistant so she knows what I’m working on and can pick up tasks from it. But sharing for collaboration is all or nothing — every notebook and full editing permissions. Read-only permissions and collaboration on a single notebook would be helpful.

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