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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8811 results found

  1. Hi,
    I would really like to have Hebrew support.


    60 votes
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  2. Can you create an app also for Windows? It would so much easier if I could not only see but also edit my notes on my laptop. Really hope you will create an app in the near future.

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  3. After many years of use I can only say that for me the only missing feature is the ability to convert Greek handwritten notes into text. Is there any chance of this coming to GoodNotes any time soon?

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  4. I make a lot of video clips as a form of documenting...I would love to be able to embed a video link and write notes the video.

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  5. Hello, can you guys make the app available for windows, because there’s no other good app like yours and I really want it on my 2 in 1 convertible Windows laptop. Would be nice if that works out!

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  6. Please bring good notes to android, I use tab s7 plus , samsung notes and noteshelf is very useless , please bring to android, I even ready to pay double than a apple user , please bring it broo

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  7. I would love the ability to go back to previous screen or page instead of having to scroll through after clicking a embedded link . For example I use a digital planner and while I’m looking at weekly view I might click Monday for example, thus taking me far away from my weekly page. I then have to swipe through or go up to my bookmarks to get back. A simple gesture or button that’s essentially backs up would be the greatest user friendly improvement .

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  8. Great App!!!
    I use the Zoom Windows to write notes. I encode items like reminders and events with title, date time, list name, and people using delimiters such as '#today$Buy some milk€Shopping' for a reminder or '$Risk meeting for ProjectX#23/7/18t12h30-13h00@Me;' for an event. I then select the writing using the Lasso Tool to convert to text. I then share this text with Workflow extensions I have created which parses the examples into a reminder or event etc. It works great ;-)
    A long-shot... but... Could you create a button which lassos the area between the top and bottom…

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    Definitely a very interesting idea but quite complex and probably only relevant for very tech-savvy power users. We’re not sure but maybe it is already doable using Shortcuts, as other apps can read the converted text.

  9. As part of my workflow, I am quite regularly wanting to insert a new page with just parts of what is on on my current page.

    There are two ways I can accomplish this at the moment:

    1. Open the multi-page view, tap edit, select the current page, tap copy, tap done, tap +, tap the + in a circle where I want to insert the page, tap "Paste Copied Pages", tap done, select my newly inserted page, use the lasso tool to select the parts of the pages I do not want to keep, and delete them.

    2. Use the lasso…

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  10. I purchased GoodNotes 5, but to my disappointment, it had no Handwriting Recognition support for Hebrew at all.

    Handwriting Recognition for Hebrew is critical to my use case, and without it, I have to use another program and recommending it over yours to my students.

    Hopefully, it will be added before the beginning of the semester.

    As a starting point, even partial support would be sufficient.

    thank you for understanding.

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  11. Theres an app for PC called Color folders so you can color your folders. Or pls make it so you can make a picture as your folders bc its annoying when you have to search your folder

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  12. It would be great to have automatic color changing toggle for dark mode. Adobe Acrobat as such feature.

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  13. I work in engineering and am always using an engineer's scale or architects scale. I use goodnotes primarily to keep all of my project plans organized in one location. I would be helpful to have a scale tool that would allow me to measure the plans according to the scale provided on the plans.

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  14. It would be really nice if the Nordic languages, such as Danish and Norwegian was recognised, especially when doing handwriting to text.

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  15. I want function to change the transparency of markers and fills color!

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  16. Sometimes I want to get an overview of my notes by checking the correlations between them
    Make it more like a pdf reader so I can read two or more pages at one time

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    Thanks for the suggestion. For now, please try opening the same document in two windows side by side. You can drag and drop the page from thumbnail view to the side and navigate both windows independently.

  17. In my work I write a lot in both Italian and English. This is somewhat a problem because handwriting recognition in GoodNotes seems to work only for one language at a time. And the switch between languages takes time. have you planned future improvements of the app to address the needs of people working in multi-lingual environments?

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  18. An option to add many various shapes and symbols from an existing library (like in word docs) instead of drawing only several shapes.

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  19. we will not sync our data in a public cloud!!!

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  20. pdf document i want to select text , look it on the dictionary, and also manipulate text, for example resizing pdf texts

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