8857 results found
enable to import videos
It would be great if we could post videos inside of documents and be able to click/play them. That would truly make Goodnotes a multidimensional learning tool.
29 votes -
Could you please include black paper? For stargazing, notes on white papier are very disturbing
Could you include the option to choose black paper (or paper of any color)? For stargazing in the darkness of the night, notes on white papier ruin the dark adaption of the eyes. The ability to use a black background would be beneficial. Thanks!
29 votes -
Improve Indention Handling in Zoom Mode
Assume that I move the zoom box to a position in the middle of the page and start writing. When I hit the end of the line or touch enter, I expect the zoom box to jump to the same horizontal position I moved it to earlier and not to the left end end of the page.
I know this can be handled by setting left indention manually. But having this kind of auto-detect left border would be a welcome addition.Short Version:
After drag of zoom box, set left indention = x position of zoom box29 votes -
Add support for Boxcryptor (encrypted Dropbox)
Please support Boxcryptor. This allows to store files encrypted on Dropbox. You support dropbox - you should support Boxcryptor as well. Never mind - but who wants to store his private stuff in the cloud without encryption ... :).
Thanks for realization!29 votes -
Add another language
A lot of polish students use this up and it would be very useful to add a polish language to it
28 votes -
Multi Level Bulleted List / Alignment
Hi! I love this app and it is almost my go to, but I still have to use other apps daily in all my classes and at work, because there is no option for a multi level bulleted list where you can make bullet points and then click tab to indent one on the next level and have many levels of lists. This is such a key feature in note taking. Please add this feature!
28 votes -
Study set
I hope there will be a thumbnail/favorite/overview in the study set, just like when writing a regular notebook. It would be great to change the order of the study set or see various menus at a glance.
Thanks you!
28 votes -
Study sets
Reverse flashcards
It would be great to be able to flip question and answer for a study session. For example, sometimes it’s great to have the question be a vocabulary word and the answer be the definition. However, sometimes it is good to reverse that and see the definition as the question and the word as the answer. Alternatively it would also be good to also have a mode that flipped back and forth between these modes.
28 votes -
Would you consider supporting the Greek language so that we could convert our handwriting into text.
28 votes -
Zoom Box - *Right to Left* line extension option
line extension
Currently zoom box has the option to extend the line only for writers in a language that is from left to right, yes yes that is most of the world, I understand that.
Except for those of us who write in languages that are right to left like Arabic and Hebrew, we would be happy if there was also a feature that allows us to write and extend the line for us as well.28 votes -
It is very important that the application incorporates a widget for the home screen. A widget will make it easier to quickly enter recent notes or notes that the user has highlighted. The ideal shape is in all sizes with a bookcase style. I want to add that this addition would make the application a real rival to the speed presented by the native apple application. Thank you very much.
28 votes -
Link document in document
My Idea would be that you can Link an document in another Document so you can quickly click on it and get to the document.
28 votes -
Night mode for PDF is necessary
When I switch to night mode only status bar becomes dark but PDFs still have white background. Hope there could be a function that can reverse color of PDFs so they can have black backgrounds and white characters.
My English could be better.
28 votes -
View 2 pages at once
Viewing 2 pages and be able to edit both on the same page on an iPad. Like how you can view a pdf in acrobat but in a way on good notes so you can edit them both.
28 votesThanks for the suggestion. We have noted it. In the meantime, try opening two pages of the same document side by side. Here’s how: https://support.goodnotes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001118635-Opening-GoodNotes-in-multiple-windows-on-iPadOS
Scrolling direction options
Currently if we choose vertical or horizontal scrolling it applies to all the documents, it would be good if we can choose to apply it to all documents or just the current document. For eg, I prefer vertical scrolling for my worksheets/slides from school and horizontal scrolling for my own notes (so it's really like a notebook).
28 votes -
Add Adjustable Line Spacing for Text to Match Up with Lined Templates
Create a default font, text size, and line spacing that will line up with a narrow and wide rules template. Or, add adjustable line spacing, space before paragraph, and space after paragraph options. It is obnoxious when text on a Cornell template or any other for that matter doesn’t match up with the lines.
28 votes -
Scale imported PDF to GoodNotes 5 standard paper size
When I import a PDF to an existing notebook I have been using for handwritten notes, the PDF size is much larger and makes it so I have to keep zooming in and out as I read through my notes. Please make it so that there is an option so scale my imported PDF to standard GoodNotes 5 paper size to match the rest of my notebook!
28 votes -
2 pages view
Allow 2 pages view (different than split view)
28 votes -
Geometric Tools
I use "GoodNotes 5.4" with iPad Pro 2018, I am totally satisfied, however the geometric tools should be improved. Ideal would be to add predefined geometric figures, triangle, rectangle, square, circle. I have a lot of difficulty creating perfect squares, there are no way to manage the fill separately from the contour line. It is not possible to draw dashed lines. The option adding layers in drawings would also be nice. Are you planning to add these features in the future?
Best regards28 votes -
Custom Color Pallettes available to all functions (TYPED TEXT).
I have entered all my Journal Colors and added them to Presets. When I type something, those colors are not available. I have to manually enter the hex code to get the proper color text .... Every .. Single .. Time!
28 votes
- Don't see your idea?