Make it like the IOS version
Santanu Biswas commented
I was about to pay for goodnotes but then found out that it is not a standalone app. The experience is terrible. Please make a standalone android app. This shouldn't be a monumental task as you are an experienced company with 14 years in the business. I am irritated, no other option available is pleasing me. There are many like me, who are ready to pay, just make a good android version. The one right now seems like you just wanted to capture android users but didn't want to invest in it.
Astro 888 commented
Avery-Wren Murray (Sayuri) commented
Would love this allowing us to add stickers and other items. Friend can and I can't it sucks
Karen Gladwin commented
I would like to have the same abilities that Apple products have and we don't. When will that change.
M K commented
My notes are split into iOS and Windows. My primary devices windows at the moment, but it lacks the ability to move around flies and move notes, freely or merge with other note I’ve been waiting for the Windows version to become compatible with iOS version but since it’s not happening for sometime, I’m thinking about migrating back to ipad Windows is not even allowing me to export note files to iOS devices is quite disappointing. I’m thinking of unsubscribing from Goodnotes six and just give up on all the nuts that I took using PC version for past six months and go back to Goodnotes five on iPad unless they fix this incompatibility issue within a month
M K commented
Please hurry
해해헤 commented
색상팔레트 3개제한, 다중 페이지수 불가, 템플릿변경 불가, 셀렉션 업데이트 누락, 파일 용량 250mb제한, 도형 색상 채우기 등 ios에서의 기능을 왜 제한 한겁니까? 애플과 기능 독점 계약이라도 맺었나요? 개발진 분들에겐 죄송하지만 너무 불편 합니다. 애플은 일회성 결제로 더 많은 기능을 제공하고 있는데 심지어 windows버전은 구독 체제 아닙니까? 많이 좋아진걸로 알고 있지만 ios와 비교하면 한참 뒤떨어집니다.
Why did you limit the functions in ios such as limiting 3 color palettes, not multiple pages, not changing templates, missing selection updates, limiting file capacity to 250mb, and filling in shape colors? Have you signed an exclusive function contract with Apple? I'm sorry to the developers, but it's so uncomfortable. Apple offers more functions with one-time payments, but isn't even the Windows version a subscription system? As far as I know, it's improved a lot, but it's far behind ios. -
Drew Crowell commented
Id like to be able to save my text format like i do on the app. I dont want to have to go and shrink the the size im using every time i add something to a list. Also having options for the font would be GREAT.
Amreesh Patel commented
adding some custome page colour
Sakka commented
Just please make me read the notes that I typed with iPad on the web.
I use Passion Planner, and on my monthly review page, I adjust the line spacing to fit the borders before typing the text.
However, when you open this note in the Windows version or the web version, it is displayed in such a state that it is impossible to read between the lines.
I can live with the lack of editing features. Please make sure that what you type is legible. -
Reemas Alfaqih commented
It is honestly a shame to be paying for the premium version to be able to use it on windows while all of the features on the IOS version aren't present in the Windows version. Same way you can audio record, make a study set etc. all of those things should be available no matter the platform you are using
Lee commented
literally just make the app like the IOS version. THe code and programming would, depending on what you use, be quite a smooth transition . It's a terrible thing to make an app focused on one machine and not another when you planned on cross-platforming. it's similar to how others complain about video games cross-platform. Especially since Apple has more restrictions on their capabilities than Windows does
Preeti Dave commented
I'll add my voice--I know that the Goodnotes app is incredible on IOS but severely lacks on Android. I currently use it to make notes but it's missing essential features that IOS has. Please listen to the consumers and make this happen. If that means paying more money for the subscription, that's fine.
Ben Freedman commented
The best and unique feature in ios was the presentation mode that allowed you to lock the screen whilst you zoom in on the app. - It became a fantastic interactive whiteboard and was the only software where I could really keep me writing neat by zooming in. - I got excited by the ability to use it again now that we are using windows devices but found this critical feature missing. - So pleased I haven't paid. - I will delete the app until the feature is available. - For me it is the whole point.
silvia martins commented
Não percebo como é que a versão PAGA do Windows não tem as mesmas funcionalidades bases que no ios. Melhorem por favor, no mínimo conseguir mudar o tipo de letra
SSK commented
Everyone keeps asking for the iOS version to be on Windows/Android app as well. Seems pretty simple. Most annoying thing is the documents are saved on cloud and if there is no internet connection (on planes for instance) then you can't do any work on this app. This is such a simple thing to incorporate into the app - save files on the machine - simple
Frank Zibull commented
Wenn hier schon so viele Kommentare stehen, das die Android und andere Versionen von der App bei Weitem nicht das bietet, was die iOS Version kann, dann frage ich Sie warum? An der Hardware kann es nicht liegen und auch nicht an der Programiersprache.
Warum ist aber die Android App von Ihnen wesentlich langsamer als die Noteshelf Version von Samsung? Ich nutze Ihre App auf einem Samsung Tablet Pro 9. Schneller und besser als das neueste iPAD.
Mein Sohn ist Apple Fan und nutzt in der Schule ein iPAD, weil das vorgeschrieben ist. Um zu Unterstützen, habe ich die App auch auf dem Samsung. Ich kann aber überhaupt nicht Unterstützen, da mir die wichtigsten Funktionen, wie z.B. das Lineal fehlen. Sind es komplexere Grafiken mit Formeln, 11. Klasse Mathematik, so hängt mein Tablet, weil Ihre Software es nicht schafft. Erledige ich das mit meiner Software funktioniert es tadellos. Schaffen Sie doch eine Anpassung an Funktionalität und Geschwindigkeit oder bauen Sie die Möglichkeit ein, Dateien von anderen Programmen wie z.B. NoteShelf, zu im- und exportieren.
Emma commented
I think it is a real shame and quite predatory that the PAID version of the windows and android app do not have the same functionality that the IOS version does. There is no real reason why this app, labeled as being version 6, should have been released without the same basic functions. The inability to create hyperlinks of our own on our documents is completely crazy, and other functions that make Goodnotes unique are not things we should have to beg for. What separates Goodnotes from literally any other PDF Software, one you can use for free? In the case of IOS it's clear that Goodnotes has more functions, but the same clearly cannot be said for Android or Windows. I am extremely disappointed and hope that Goodnotes can rectify this oversight. There is no reason the apps should be any different simply because of the device that it is on.
Andrea Meireles commented
The iOS version is better
Nia commented
PLEASE. Why they do not listen to us?!